
Where to begin!
A few notes about using the INclusive Academy Website, to help get you started.
This website serves several functions. First, it provides new families with information regarding our current class offerings, announcements, teacher information, and INclusive community events.
Regarding class offerings, adjustments have been made to the class schedule since it was last posted on Facebook. The classes, descriptions, times, and grade offerings are current on this site. Click on the Class Overview tab to view. Helpful tip, when looking for more information about individual classes, go to the Class Overview tab and click on the class you are interested in - it will display a class description and other helpful information.
Second, it serves as a membership-based community hub. Member families receive access to a family account that has a class dashboard, event registrations, a community message forum, photo albums, and more. Once you decide to register your family with the INclusive Academy, you will be able to log in and see your parent/student accounts. Currently, we have enabled the dashboard, message forum, and photo album, features. Additional features are coming!
Lastly, it serves as a management hub for our teachers and INclusive Academy administrators. All of these functions being housed together in one place will take some getting used to but will greatly improve our experience!
What is the INclusive Academy?
The Inclusive Academy of York County provides homeschool enrichment programming for families in York County and surrounding areas. We welcome all homeschooling families regardless of worldview, lifestyle, or homeschooling method. The INclusive Academy wants to provide a fun, safe experience for all who wish to join us.
How does PAYMENT and REGISRATION fees work?
Registration fee is $60 for the first child and $10 each additional child. Capping at $80.
Registration fees cover administrative/business expenses, cleaning supplies, church donation, insurance, supplies for teachers and students, payment for helpers, etc.
Payment to teachers
Once registered you pay the teacher directly via cash, check, or if the teacher accepts other forms of payment. The teacher will contact you with an address and ideal form of payment information. potential options:
1. Mail payment to the teacher
2. PayPal REGISTRATION / STUDY HALL: ltunney@yorkinclusiveacademy.com
3. You may drop payment off at the welcome table at the co-op September 5, 2023 (please let the teacher/The IN know this is your plan)
Last year we noticed a need for community helpers... New this year, we are offering a helper discount! Families who would like to help in our community will receive payment (to be determined) at the end of the year for their time. If you would like to join our team please reach out. We are looking for support in:
Building set up
Buidling clean up/oversight
Teacher Helper
Is there a volunteer requirement for parents to join this co-op?
Volunteering is not required, however we are building a community of insrtuctors, parents and kids that will get to know each other. We greatly appreciate generosity in all ways, whether donating time and materials or supporting the IN through your children attending classes. Each person will contribute in their own way and for that, we cannot thank you all enough!
Since we are building a helping hands community, we are expecting students as well as parents to step up and help out. Teachers, students, and visitors are expected to treat the building and equipment with respect, clean up after themselves, and leave all areas better than they found them. With this practice, we should have very light cleaning!
If you can not commit long term you may drop in and volunteer as you are available and willing we would love to have you. Volunteer opportunities can include, but are certainly not limited to:
Teacher Helper / Substitute / Gaga Pit Monitor
Overseeing Study Hall / Overseeing Outside Time
Morning Set Up: Tables, Coffee/Tea Bar
Single day community events
Lunchtime Monitor / Snacks/Drinks / Afternoon Break Down
Clean Up / Event Assistance / Field Trip Assistance / Field trip ideas
Please reach out to The INclusive Academy if you would like to volunteer.
What grade levels do your classes cover?
We start at 4th grade and continue through 12th grade. Each class typically includes a range of ages and can be customized to challenge each student at their own level. If you have a 3rd grader who is interested in topics that are set at the 4th-grade level, please reach out to Lori and the teacher to see if they believe that your child would benefit from starting early.
What does it mean to be a member of this co-op?
A member family means that you are enrolled in the current term's classes. Being a member also allows for us to provide tools for (hopefully) making life easier for the teachers, parents and the kids in the co-op! You will be able to register for classes, future events, see the classes your kids are enrolled in, and receive emails from the co-op.
I might want to teach a class, but I'm not sure what to teach. Do you have any recommendations?
We suggest that if you are excited by the idea of teaching, follow the excitement! Kids learn best from those who are genuinely interested in what they are teaching. If you follow what you know and are passionate about, that excitement will always translate into a meaningful learning experience!
What is the health and wellness policy of the IN?
We are using common sense and also following the guidelines set forth by the CDC. These include washing hands thoroughly, using hand sanitizer, and following general social distancing when possible. Also, we remind everyone that if you or your family are not feeling well, stay home and rest! This is also common sense, we should all rest when we need to. Masking is recommended but currently not required. As a friendly reminder, we will not engage in any political discourse when it comes to illnesses and/or mitigations. While we may not all agree on everything, we can all agree that we are coming together to provide a safe, fun, environment for our kids and community. It's in everyone's best interest to do the very best they can! We thank you for your cooperation as we work together to keep the community healthy.
If a student is absent the teacher can provide work to keep the student on track. Please reach out to your teacher/s. If you are sick please stay home, it is perfectly to take a rest day.
What is the process for Drop-Off and Pick-Up?
There will be a check in and pick up process for students.
Students in 4th thru 6th grade must be signed in at the welcome table with an older sibling or parent/guardian.
Students 7th thru 12th grade must come in to the welcome table to be checked off at arrival.
All students must be picked up by a present parent or guardian
IF a student is going home with another family, there must be a signed form stating so. Forms located at the welcome table.