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Welcome to Heritage Homeschool Academy! 

Heritage Homeschool Academy is a Christian, academic co-op made up of homeschooling families from across the Twin Cities suburbs.  We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM September through April. We meet at Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley.

Our purpose is to serve as a partner in education with your family through the homeschooling experience.  We achieve our purpose by:

  • providing challenging and exciting large group class experiences for home educated students from birth through middle school in both core and elective course options
  • promoting group activities outside of the co-op school day including field trips, parties, and park days
  • working together to meet the needs of the co-op and keep our tuition costs low
  • serving as a source of community and encouragement on your homeschooling journey


If you'd like to schedule a tour or for more information about Heritage, contact info@HeritageHSA.com.


Registration for next school year will open in May.

Calvary Lutheran Church