Untitled Header Image PriZim Homeschool Co-op PriZim Homeschool Co-op PriZim Homeschool Co-op PriZim Homeschool Co-op PriZim Homeschool Co-op

What we have to offer

Classes - All classes are parent taught. This helps to keep our cost down. Our classes are 2/3 fun elective type classes and 1/3 academic. Classes meet from September - May at New Life Church in Princeton, MN from 9:15a.m. - 12:15p.m. on the 2nd Friday of the month. We offer a nursery for birth - 2 years old, a preschool room for 3 and 4 year olds, classes for 5-7 year olds, classes for 3rd - 5th grades are elective style classes with few class options to choose from, and then we offer classes for 6th-12th grades that are also mostly elective classes but with more class options to choose from.

Field Trips - Field trips are typically 1 time a month and are coordinated by our field trip committee. Some are local, while others are within 1-2 hours away. We try to offer a variety of trips that are free as well as some with great discounts.

Mom's Meetings - There are three mandatory mom's meetings throughout the year on a weekday evening at 6:00PM at the church or at someone's home. There's a meeting at the beginning of each semester (August and January) and one at the end of the year (March/April). These meetings equip you for class days and our special events. They are also a wonderful opportunity to encourage each other with devotions, prayer, fellowship, and food. We try to stay on task and cover our business portion of the meeting as quickly as possible so we have lots of time to visit. Mom's meetings are highly recommended as this is where we can get to know each other and encourage one another on this journey of homeschooling.

Mom's Night Out - A couple of times a year we may have a mom's night out. This is usually held at a restaurant. This is a great opportunity to socialize with other moms from the group and to have some fun!

Website/Facebook - We have a wonderful website that is our main form of communication outside of co-op days and mom's meetings. It is loaded with all kinds of information such as a directory with contact information for each member, class lists, a forum to communicate to the families in your co-op classes, calendar with field trip information, etc. We primarily use the website for business and events that are happening within our co-op. Our website address is www.prizimhomeschool.com. We also have a private Facebook page for social questions, connections, selling things, and encouraging comments. This helps to minimize the emails on the website forum.

Performing Arts, History Fair, Art Fair, and Science Fair - We are on a 4 year rotation of Performing Arts, History Fair, Art Fair, and a Science Fair which are all an end of the year event. We encourage you invite your friends and family to this event. The 2023-24 year will be our Art Fair.

Track & Field Day - This is a traditional track and field day with ribbon awards that is held in the spring. Events will vary from year to year. (we are unsure if this is happening this year)

Valentine's Card Exchange - In February we offer to our kids the opportunity to exchange Valentine's cards (treats optional). Kids have fun decorating a box or some will provide a bag to collect them in.

Mom's Retreat - The mom's retreat is an overnight retreat usually held in February or March for moms to get away and fellowship. This is a great time to get to know other moms in the co-op. There's always great food, fun games, lots of laughter, and prayer when needed. It's tons of fun so don't miss out!


When and where do you meet? - We are currently meeting at New Life Church in Princeton on the second Friday of the month, September through April, from 9:00am - 12:15pm.

How do classes work?We offer a nursery, a preschool room for 3 and 4 year olds, classes for 5-7 year olds, classes for 3rd-5th grades, and classes for 6th-12th grades. . The classes for 5-7 year olds are typically "set" classes, classes for 3rd-5th grades have a mix of “set” and some hours classes to choose from. Classes for 6th-12th grades have multiple class choices each hour.

How much does PriZim cost?- The cost of PriZim is $185.00 a year per family. This could vary from year to year depending on what classes are offered and the general co-op expenses. Please be aware that some classes may have an additional fee. The tuition price includes a $45 nonrefundable registration fee (per family not child) which is due at the time of registration. The remaining $140 is due in the fall before the year begins. 

Who teaches the classes? - All PriZim classes are taught by moms, and sometimes dads, from our co-op. It is a cooperative effort. We are not a drop off co-op. All members are required to teach one class each semester. Each member will be a helper one hour in another class. The third hour you are encouraged to join the Mom's Room where you can visit with other homeschool moms.

Are you a Christian co-op? - Yes, we are a Christian co-op. See our Statement of Faith page.

Are there meetings? - There are three mandatory mom's meetings throughout the year. One at the beginning of the year (August) and one at the end of the year (March/ April). These meetings are held on during the week in the evening.

What will be asked of me? - You will be asked to teach one class and be a helper in another class, sign up to help on 1-2 committees (field trips, special events, class planning, etc.), attend the mandatory mom's meetings, be on church clean-up twice a year following a co-op day, and attend every co-op class day.

When are my kids old enough to join? - The best time to join PriZim is when you have a child entering kindergarten or older.

Can I join just for the field trips? - Yes! For a fee of $25 you can join PriZim, have access to our private website, and to all of our planned field trips.

When is registration open? - We accept new members starting early May. PriZim can fill very quickly. Sometimes registration is only open for a few weeks, other years it's open all summer. If registration is closed, the best thing to do is to request membership, go through the interview process, and then be put on our waiting list. Those families on the waiting list are the first ones to be let in once registration opens.

Statement of Faith

We are Christian in our approach to this group, homeschooling, and life in general. The leadership of this group, along with all members, agrees to a statement of faith prior to joining and serving and agrees to make their decisions for the group based upon it. We require all families to uphold these statements, even if they are not in full agreeance with them. Teachers and leaders will be required to adhere to them in all their areas of service.

1. We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith, life, and truth.

3. We believe the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, and His imminent return in power and glory.

4. We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross paid the penalty for man's sin. 

5. We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict man, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service. 

6. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ. We have no denominational affiliation, but individual doctrinal differences in our group, which may exist, should not hinder the unity of our Christian Home School group.  

7. Marriage, Family & Single Life. God has instituted marriage - the covenant relationship between one man and one woman - intended to be a lifelong union of husband and wife. The single life, either by call or circumstance, is honored by God. Unmarried are an important part of the Christian community (Genesis 2:21-24, Matthew 1-:4-6, 1 Corinthians 7:1-16, Ephesians 5:22-33).

Human Sexuality: Sexuality is inherent in God's creation of human being in his image as male and female. Husbands and wives are called to exclusive sexual fidelity to one another and single persons are called to abstinence. God intends and enables all people to live within these boundaries with the help of the Holy Spirit and in fellowship of the church (Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:6-9, 1 Corinthians 7:1-16).

By agreeing to these you are agreeing to our statement of faith, and are actively living it out on a daily basis, to the best of your ability.