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What is Generations?

Generations History

It all started with a handful of families who were starting out on their journey of homeschooling and just needed a little support. In 1999, four families attended the Crossroads Fellowship Adventure City Family Camping Trip. In getting to know one another, they soon discovered that they had something in common—homeschooling. A few of the families were already involved with other homeschool groups, but they were spread out geographically, and these groups didn’t quite meet their needs. The families began to meet together for playdates and an occasional field trip, including a trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Others heard about the small fellowship and joined in.

In the spring of 2001, a group of about fifteen moms got together in the Children’s Hallway at Crossroads Fellowship to brainstorm and plan the future of the group that would become Generations Homeschool Group. These ladies discussed their experiences with other homeschool groups and pooled their ideas of the best from each: one field trip per month, a co-op with 8-week semesters in the fall and spring, parent meetings for encouragement, an open group.

The name Generations was chosen to convey the desire to have an impact on the next generation and beyond. The name came from Psalm 78:4 (NIV): “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders He has done.” Our slogan came from Deuteronomy 6:1-2 (NIV): “These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.” The name Legacy for the enrichment co-op indicated the hope that we will leave a legacy for our children.

That first year, Generations started Legacy Co-op, and held parties, park dates, and field trips. Of note, the Legacy preschool class only had three students. Parties included a Christmas craft party, Valentine’s exchange after Legacy, a Saint Patrick’s Day party and an End-of-Year ice cream social. One notable field trip was to a beaver dam east of Raleigh where many were heard to comment, “We didn’t know it was going to be this far away.”

Since then, Generations has grown—at times accommodating over 130 families—adding an academic co-op along the way, called SNAP (Science -N- Academic Program). In 2024, our two co-ops were combined to form Generations Co-op, helping to form a more cohesive group.

Generations continues to tell of God’s praiseworthy deeds with the color and flavors that each family brings to our community.

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Generations Membership

Generations has reached its capacity. We have closed registrations for now, but will begin a waitlist in May 2025 for the 2026/2027 school year, so check back then to be added. Thank you for your patience. 

Co-op Information

Membership Requirements

  • You must have at least a rising 1st grader, and then all younger siblings can join.

  • You must have an open homeschool registered with NCDNPE or plan to upon your oldest participating student's seventh birthday.


  • For the 24/25 year, the cost of Generations Co-op is $125 per family, per year.  This does not include curriculum for academic classes.

Social Events

  • In addition to academic and enrichment classes, we offer social events for all age groups and even parents.

Location and meeting days/times

  • We meet on Fridays, from early August to mid-May, from mid-morning to early afternoon.

  • There are several breaks, such as a fall break, winter break and spring break.

  • We meet for 30 weeks.

Parental Participation

  • We are a co-op, which means that the parents are the teachers.  At least one parent needs to serve on teaching teams. This is not a drop-off.

Class Offerings

  • Academic classes that can be listed on transcripts, offered for grades 4 - 12

  • Enrichment classes that do not have any at-home work, offered for all grades, created by the members and voted on for the following school year

  • Elective classes, offered for grade 6 - 12, can be used as ½ credit on transcripts

Visiting Co-op

  • We currently do not have any open houses or tours available (but may in the future).

If you have any questions, please use our contact information found in the Contact Info tab to the left or the Contact link above.

About Us


To see our home educated children and future generations love and serve God.


Generations Homeschool Group is a ministry of Crossroads Fellowship in Raleigh, NC, that exists in partnership with the local church to encourage and equip Christian families as they educate their children at home. We accomplish this by offering academic enrichment programs, coordinating group activities, and fostering collaboration among our members.


Generations adheres to Crossroads Fellowship's Statement of Faith, which can be viewed here. If you have questions about our Statement of Faith, please contact GenerationsDirectors@gmail.com.


In the past, Generations has offered the following activities and benefits. Some are being planned for this year. Our Service Roles Matrix lists the most up-to-date activities.


  • Kick-off meeting
  • New member teas
  • Parent socials and meetings
  • Moms' retreat
  • Family camping
  • Family directory
  • Prayer


  • Science fair
  • Co-op classes
  • Field trips
  • Annual group testing
  • Spelling bee
  • Fine arts festival
  • Field day
  • Talent Show
  • Career fair


  • Christmas craft party
  • Valentine's Day party
  • Easter egg hunt
  • End-of-year celebration
  • Graduation ceremony
  • Park playdates
  • Student socials
  • Community service projects
  • Yearbook
  • Winter and Spring Dances

All activities are subject to change based on interest and participation.