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Who Are We?  

We are a group of homeschool families joining together to fellowship, encourage each other in our life's journeys, and provide excellent group learning opportunities for our children. 

Where do we meet?  

We meet at Calvary Baptist Church, 530 Milton Road, Lancaster, PA.  (The church has blessed us by allowing us to use the building, but we are not affiliated with CBC)

When do we meet?

We meet Wednesday mornings from 8:45am-12:00pm

Do you meet all year round?

No, Our elementary and 8 week upper level classes meet 8 weeks in the fall and 8 weeks in the spring.  Some of our upper level classes will meet 12 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the spring.  

What kind of classes do you offer?

We provide supplemental classes in our elementary grades and both academic and elective classes for our high school students.  

Do you have any activities outside of the classroom?

Yes, we host other events such as a our CHEX showcase, Track and Field Day, standardized testing, mom's night outs, and end of semester lunch and carnival.  

Do you offer field trips?

CHEX does not offer field trips, however, we do work with another member of our co-op that plans trips for homeschool students and announces them to our members throughout the year.  

Do I have to teach or can I drop off my kids?  

If your children are in elementary grades, you are not able to drop your kids off.  We ask that every member teach 1 class per semester and also help in another class.  You do not have to teach until the 2nd semester of your 1st year.  If you have all high school students, you can choose to register them as drop off students.  You do not have to teach with this level and you can drop your kids off for classes and pick them up at the end.  

How much is it to participate in the co-op?

For full membership, it is $110.00 (includes CHALC fee) per family.  Additional costs depends on the students grade.  (Elementary ranges from $15-21 and high school classes are priced per class)

There is a tiered fee for our drop off membership:

1 class: $80.00, 2 classes: $105.00,  3 classes: $125.00, and 4 or more classes: $155.00

Our support group membership is $40.00

Contact Us

Jennifer Anteau- Director
(223) 667-1709
Jamie Rohrer- Asst. Director
(717) 368-1178