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Ms. Milena Rivera To All Instructors

"Music exists to create a noble heart." -Shinichi Suzuki

Through the arts, we practice courage, perseverance, cooperation, self-reliance, patience, love, and truth. As an OCPS teacher from 1999-2016, I discovered that providing students the opportunities to practicing these elements is just as valuable as the intellectual growth that comes with working hard to understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create (Bloom's taxonomy).

Since 2016, I have continued to strive to bring out noble qualities in the piano students of my studio, Piano Resolutions, as they work to master foundational skills of scales, arpeggios, and music theory. I am absolutely thrilled about the opportunity to once again create musical theatre productions with students because musical theatre can connect all the different forms of art! It is my goal to provide an environment where ideas can be shared, developed, tried out, evaluated, revised and shaped until a final product can be achieved and presented with the aim of serving the community.

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