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Mrs. Susan Landry To All Instructors

Susan Landry is a former elementary classroom teacher turned homeschool mom.  While teaching second grade she was voted Teacher of the Year.  She homeschooled her two boys through high school, her youngest just graduated in 2019.  While not excited about the whole empty nest thing, Susan is looking forward to not having to keep her picky eating children in mind when menu planning.  She also plans to combat the empty nest blues with lots of snuggling with her dog, Scout.  Susan currently teaches co-op classes, tutors, and writes at her blog, The Sparrow's Home. 

Current Classes
Stepping Stones - Grade 1 – Instructor (open)
Stepping Stones - Kindergarten – (open)
Stepping Stones - Grade 1 – Instructor (open)
Stepping Stones - Kindergarten – (open)