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Mrs. Gina Harlan To All Instructors

Spanish 1, Spanish 2 Teacher: Gina Harlan

  • Education: bachelor’s degree in public relations journalism, minor in Spanish

  • Teaching experience: 13 years in Georgia teaching and substitute teaching, including fifth grade, junior and senior high art, keyboarding, Spanish, piano, and other subjects.


UHC courses taught:

  • Spanish 1

  • Spanish 2

Began teaching at UHC in 2011

Current Classes
Spanish 1 - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Spanish 1 - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 2 - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 2 - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 1 - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 2 - HONORS OPTION - 2023-2024 – Instructor (open)