Policies and Procedures
Organizational Leadership
The Grove Christian Academy was founded by Christine Stauffer and Sara Tople. The organization is overseen by a board of directors.
Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind. For purposes of doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our governing board is Branches’ final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person to reflect His image as either male or female; but that each person is by nature a sinner, and alienated from God.
We believe that salvation and reconciliation come only from God, by grace; that God in love gave His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sin, thereby purchasing the redemption of those who believe in Him.
We believe that marriage is prescribed by God as a sacred, covenant relationship between one man and one woman, symbolizing the union of Christ and His church, and all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage is sin.
We believe that every Christian, through the power of Jesus Christ, is called to live a life set apart that will bear fruit to the glory of God, and sinful behavior, or even advocacy of sinful behavior, dishonors God and should not be encouraged.
We believe that God loves every person and therefore we need to treat others with the compassion, love, kindness, and dignity that He shows us.
Statement of Education
We believe that it is the parents’ role and responsibility to educate their children individually on topics of a sensitive nature, including:
- Political Views
- Doctrinal Views
- Sexuality Views
- Dietary Views
Out of respect for each family’s decision on when and how to teach these matters to their children, all teachers, volunteers, parents, and students are discouraged from discussing these topics with other children unless in a clearly defined class.
Teacher/Tutor Policy
Tutors, also called Teachers, at our organization work as independent contractors, each with their own grading and late work policies. Parents should discuss these policies with tutors before classes begin.
A student must achieve a grade of "C" or higher to demonstrate understanding. If a student's grade is below 70%, tutors may recommend dropping or retaking the class. Some courses require a passing grade or proficiency proof for enrollment, possibly necessitating a retake or a placement test for advanced courses.
Classes are designed for specific grade levels, indicated in the course description. Parents should follow these recommendations or discuss placement changes with the tutor before registration. If a class is found to be a poor fit, the deposit will not be refunded.
For classroom concerns, parents should first talk to the tutor. If unresolved, a meeting with the parent, tutor, and student should be arranged. Persistent issues should be escalated to the Leadership Team for a joint meeting with all parties.
Admission Policy
To sign up for classes each family must fill out a Membership Application and pay the annual registration fee per student. See Tuition and Fees.
Disability Policy
Since The Grove is a learning center with independent tutors, we may lack the resources to support students with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. For inquiries or to discuss suitability, please contact us.
Payment Policy
Payment for classes is due on X dates. If payment is not received by the dates specified, your student will not be able to attend class, and their "spot" in that class may be forfeited.
Refund Policy
We regretfully do not offer refunds. As a small organization we commit funds for classroom space, tutors, and equipment and have all of that ready for students to start classes. These expeditures are not easily recovered if a student chooses not to attend. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please contact us.
ESA Participation
The Grove accepts ESA funds for class and registration fees.
Academic Policy
All educational materials will be presented from a Biblical worldview. Tutors will employ a combination of faith-based homeschooling curriculum and custom-designed lesson plans tailored to the students' needs. Parents will have the opportunity to review all educational materials before the commencement of classes.
Assessment and Progress Reports
The Grove does not issue official transcripts or grades, as it recognizes that in the homeschooling environment, parents serve as the principal educators. Consequently, it is the responsibility of the homeschooling parents, in accordance with legal requirements, to maintain their own educational records and generate their own transcripts. This approach emphasizes the role of parents in managing and documenting their children's academic progress.
Sick Child and Adult Policy
We encourage students to attend classes as much as possible. However, if your student is experiencing any of the following, please keep them home to recover before attending classes:
- A fever over 100 degress. Students must have a normal temperature, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to class.
- A presistent cough, or excessive discharge from nose and/or eyes, or sore throat.
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Dress Code
Students will purchase and wear the designated The Grove uniform.
Technology Device Use Policy
Students are permitted to bring their mobile phones and personal electronic devices to class. However, the usage of these devices during instructional time is contingent upon obtaining permission from the class tutor. When granted permission to use these devices, students must exercise discretion and ensure that the content they access is suitable for their age group and aligns with Christian principles and values.