1. How much does membership to HCHA cost?  

$65 from July 1 to June 30.  January the dues will prorate to 1/2 price and May 1 the dues will prorate to $15 until June 30. 

2. What is included in my HCHA membership?

- Encouragement from others. Support keeps us going.

- Email chain. Valuable information through daily email. Opportunities to buy and sell curriculum, childrens items, etc. 

- Homeschool advice. Current information on testing, registering with the state, high school requirements.

- Activities designed to meet the needs of homeschool families. (see #6)

- Enrichment classes. Offered in the fall and spring. Something for all ages. (see # 8)

-  Parent Meetings. Information on testing, curriculum, methods and an opportunity to meet other HCHA families.

-  Graduation. A day to remember. Ceremony and reception for our grads and their families.

3. What is the volunteer requirement?

HCHA offers many great events throughout the year. We need everyone to play a part so the events can happen and happen well. Our volunteer requirement was designed so that no one gets lost in the cracks as our group grows. When you join HCHA, you sign up to volunteer in an event. When you sign up to volunteer participate, you agree to help in the planning and execution of the event. Volunteering is not simply attending the event. Each HCHA event has a coordinator that acts as a liason between the event and the HCHA Board of Directors. Coordinators delegate to volunteers in the execution of the various events. 

You can sign up to volunteer for an event on the HCHA calendar. Simply view the calendar and look for events labeled "VOLUNTEER" and follow the prompts to sign up.

If you are unable to volunteer in the event for which you have signed up, it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement. Your replacement is still responsible for his or her original volunteer sign up.

For example. If you have signed up for the Fall Family Feast and you cannot for whatever reason fulfill your volunteer, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for finding a replacement. Let's say your replacement is already signed up for the Valentine Skate Party... Your replacement is now responsible to take your place as well as fulfilling his or her commitment to the Valentine Skate Party.

.You will then be reassigned to an event that still needs volunteers. 

4. What does it mean to be a coordinator of an event?

Coordinators are in charge of delegating responsibilities when it comes to planning and executing an event. Coordinators act as a liason between the HCHA Board of Directors and the volunteers of the event. Coordinators are responsible for managing the budget, calling and planning meetings, and communicating the details of the event on the HCHA email loop. 

Coordinators also agree to bring any concerns about HCHA policies directly to the HCHA board, instead of discussing them with others, especially in a group setting. 

Coordinators agree that IF they have any personal concerns or disagreements with another HCHA member, they will address those specifically with that member in a Biblical, one to one manner. If the issue seems to difficult to discuss privately, they will let the HCHA board know so that steps can be taken in a non-threatening, but effective, way to address the issue. ?

**Coordinators can find their team of particpants by clicking on the HCHA calendar

5. How do I sign up for an event?

When logging onto the HCHA website, click on calendar on the home page. Find your desired event, click on it, and follow directions for sign ups. Most events are private and for HCHA members only. Parent meetings as well as the monthly Heart to Heart are open to the public.

6. What events and activities are offered throughout the year?

*Events are dependent on group interest and designation of a coordinator*

High School and Middle School Monthly Get Togethers, Field Trips for various age groups, Heart to Heart (quarterly get togethers for moms), Mom's Night Out, Fall Family Feast, Craft Market, Christmas Movie Night, Father/ Son Campout, Father/ Daughter Event, Field Day, Pool Party, Lego Club, Spelling Bee, International Night, Group Testing, and Graduation.

7. How do refunds work with fieldtrips?

When you sign up and pay for a fieldtrip via the HCHA calendar and then choose to cancel your sign up, refunds are automatically given in the form of a credit to your HCHA account. If you *need* a cash refund, you may contact the HCHA board. Please be considerate to the fieldtrip coordinators and attendees if canceling your reservation. Please give at least 48 hours notice. 

Feel free to contact the HCHA Board of Directors with any questions: hchomeschoolassociation@gmail.com


8. What are Enrichment Classes?

Enrichment Classes are offered for 8 weeks in the fall and 8 weeks in the Spring. Classes are parent taught. HCHA has an Enrichment class team that works hard to gather teaching applications, place assistants, plan logistics, and bring everything together to provide an amazing experience for our homeschool families. 

Please CLICK HERE to read all about our Enrichment Classes.