Enjoy your summer!! Have a great summer !!!

DASCH Handbook

DASCH Handbook

Updated 2/21/2022

Dunwoody Area Support for Christian Homeschoolers

What is DASCH?

  • Community- A group of interacting people, living in some proximity. A social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has social cohesion, interacting together to do what we cannot do with our family alone.

  • DA- Proximity- Dunwoody Area

  • S- Support (each other and ourselves)

  • C- Christian- Statement of Faith & Family Integrated

  • H- Homeschooling Under GA Law

DASCH (Dunwoody Area Support for Christian Homeschoolers) is a family-integrated fellowship and support group organized to strengthen and encourage Christian home educators in the Dunwoody, Georgia, area. We are a Christian group whose members agree with a common statement of faith upon applying and annually through our renewal process. Christian home educators of all denominations who have children in 1st through 12th grade and have signed a Declaration of Intent to homeschool in Georgia are welcome to apply.

Mission Statement

DASCH is a distinctly Christian, family-integrated organization. We exist to render mutual support and encouragement to Christian parents who homeschool their children. DASCH also seeks to provide our families opportunities for regular fellowship through fun, educational, family activities that are wholesome, develop character and fall completely within the parameters of Judeo-Christian principles. DASCH also holds to the biblical tenet that parents are ultimately responsible for their children's education and that spiritual training is of the utmost importance (Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:6-7). As a family-integrated organization, we strive to offer whole-family activities whenever possible.

Statement of Faith

We believe that:

1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, inerrant in the original manuscripts, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Scriptural Basis: 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21; cf. John 10:35; Isa 55:11; 1 Cor 1:21; Matt 5:17–18; Jude 3; Eph 1:17–18; 3:10, 18

2. We believe that God eternally exists in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and that these three are one God, having precisely the same nature, attributes, and perfections. Scriptural Basis: Gen 1:1–2, 26; Matt. 28:18–19; Mark 12:29; John 1:1-5, 14; John 10:30; John 14:26; 2 Cor 13:14; Col 1:16–17; Heb 1:1–3

3. God is the source and the end of all truth. God is Sovereign, the Creator, and the Sustainer of all things. Scriptural Basis: 1 Chr 29:11–12, 14; 2 Chr 20:6; Job 42:2; Ps 8:1; 24:1–2; 29:10; 97:9; 115:3; 135:6; Zech 4:6; Col 1:15-17; John 1:1-3

4. Jesus Christ is the eternal begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary being both fully God and fully man, who lived a sinless life, performed divine miracles, died a vicarious, atoning, and sacrificial death, rose from the dead, bodily resurrection and ascended into heaven to the right hand of the Father, and will return in power and glory. Scriptural Basis: Matt 1:19–25; 27:38; Mark 1:23–26; Luke 9:10–17; 24:1–51; John 1:1–5, 14; 3:16; Acts 15:16; Rom 3:24–25; 2 Cor 5:21; Phil 2:5-11; Heb 4:15; 1 Pet 2:24; 3:18; 1 John 3:5; Rev 1:4–6; Isa 7:14; Isa. 9:6-7

5. Man was created in the image of God as a rational, moral and spiritual being. All persons have sinned and thus are lost in their natural state, alienated from God, spiritually dead. Scriptural Basis: Gen 1:26–27; 6:5; 9:6; Rom 3:10–19, 23; Eph 2:1–5

6. Men and women are restored only by the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit and the cleansing blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation cannot be deserved or earned but is a gift of God given by grace for all who believe or receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Scriptural Basis: John 1:12-13; 3:16, 18, 36; 5:24; 6:29, 40; Acts 13:39; 16:31; Rom 1:16–17; 3:22, 26; 4:5; 8:29–30; 10:4, 9–10; Gal 2:16; 3:22; Phil 3:9

7. The Lord Jesus Christ will return a second time personally, bodily, and visibly in glory triumphing for the final judgment and the consummation of His kingdom. Scriptural Basis: Deut 30:1–10; Isa 11:10-11; Ezek 37:21–28; Matt 24:15–25:46; 26:64; Acts 1:11; 15:16–17; Rom 8:19–23; 11:25–27; Col 2:9; 2 Tim 3:1–5; 1 Thes 4:16; Heb 9:28; Rev 1:7; 20:1–3

Statement on Human Life, Marriage, Gender & Sexuality

Additionally, we affirm the Nashville Statement and believe that:

1. All human life is created by God in His image and is therefore sacred. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its forms, including pre–born babies, the elderly/aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. Each person is of equal value to God. We are called to defend, protect, and value all human life. Scriptural Basis: Gen 1:26–27; 9:6; Psalm 139; Psalm 127:3; Matt 6:25-26

2. God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and a person’s sex is defined as the biological condition of being male or female as determined at birth by the person’s genome. A person’s gender always corresponds to their sex, and therefore, is also defined at birth by their sex. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person. Scriptural Basis: Gen 1:26–27; 9:6

3. The term “marriage” has only one meaning: a unique uniting of one male and one female in a single, exclusive union as delineated in Scripture. God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other and has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. Scriptural Basis: Gen 2:18–25; 1 Cor 6:18; 7:2–5; Heb 13:4

4. Any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God. Scriptural Basis: Matt 15:18–20; 1 Cor 6:9–10


Joining DASCH

Homeschooling families can apply for DASCH at any time during the year, however we only admit new members twice a year (January and August). DASCH caps the number of member families to maintain the depth of relationships and manageability of the group.

The steps to join DASCH are simple:

  1. Be a homeschooler under the GA homeschool law

  2. Read our DASCH Handbook to see if DASCH is the right fit for your family.

  3. Complete our online application using the Request Membership link (person icon on the top right of the homepage) and agree to our Statement of Faith and Disclaimer.

  4. Pay Annual Membership Dues when you are admitted ($50 in August and $25 if joining in January).

Once your application is submitted you will receive an automated response letting you know we have received your application. Applications are reviewed in July and January of each year and you will be contacted by the Membership Coordinator in August or January. You will be considered an exploring member for the first 30 days of your membership.

  • Exploring Members – For the first 30 days of your membership, you are considered an Exploring Member, and you are assigned a Mentor Mom to help you get settled in the group. During the initial 30 Days, Exploring Members should participate in DASCH activities to get a true feel for the group. If after 30 days you decide DASCH is the right group for your family, you should submit your membership dues.

  • Full DASCH Members – These families have passed the 30-day mark and have paid annual dues.


Costs for membership are determined annually. Because DASCH relies on our families’ time and talents to accomplish our mission, members are required to volunteer to lead or assist with at least one program or activity per year. Both new and returning member dues are now set at a fixed fee of $50. The membership year runs from August through the following August. Dues can be paid starting in June for the new school year. For current members, they must be paid by July 25th in order to remain a DASCH member and continue to be on the DASCH Homeschool Life website. If dues are not paid by this time, your membership spot will be given to someone on the waiting list beginning on August 1.

Membership Benefits & Privileges

Besides making lifelong friendships and having lots of year-round activities to participate in, you will enjoy:

  • Access to membership directory (this directory cannot be downloaded or forwarded for marketing/sales purposes)

  • Discounted membership in HSLDA – Home School Legal Defense Assoc.

  • Adult fellowship at Moms Meetings held in members’ homes or locations such as restaurants and annual Moms Retreat

  • Weekly park days at an area park

  • Up-to-date information regarding current homeschooling events, classes and curriculum

  • The opportunity to attend group events such as clubs, parties, family outings, couples night, and our end of year Presentation Night.

  • Participation in field trips , including group discounts and access to facilities not available to the general public

  • Access to the DASCH Homeschool Life website

  • FREE Membership to the DASCH Resource Lending Library, which includes homeschooling and Christian books, curriculum, CDs and DVDs.

  • Eligibility to participate in our DASCH Day co-op program (pending eligibility and available space).

Member Expectations

In order to function smoothly and efficiently, all DASCH members are expected to:

  • Agree with the Statement of faith referenced above to ensure our members will be like-minded in our beliefs

  • Regularly read posts to the DASCH Homeschool Life website

  • All content posted on the DASCH website should be consistent with and in support of the Statement of Faith.

  • Serve DASCH in at least one area each year (see service requirements below)

  • Pay dues on time and keep your family information up-to-date in your DASCH Homeschool Life profile

  • Abide by the Georgia laws concerning homeschooling and do not have children enrolled in the Georgia Cyber Academy

  • Be faithful and timely in paying all promised monies and attending all events for which you sign-up

  • Promote Christ-likeness and unity within the group through words and conduct

  • Handle conflict within the group using biblical peacemaking principles, beginning with raising your issue with the offending party and seeking reconciliation using this biblical approach before bringing it to the attention of another member or steering committee member. Remember to PAUSE.

    • Prepare (pray, get the facts, seek godly counsel, develop options) Col 4:2

    • Affirm relationships (show genuine concern and respect for others) Matt 7:12

    • Understand interests (identify others' concerns, desires, needs, limitations, or fears) James 1:19-20; Phil 2:3-4

    • Search for creative solutions (prayerful brainstorming) Col 1:9; 1 Tim 2:8

    • Evaluate options objectively and reasonably (evaluate, don't argue) Prov. 16:3, 19:21

  • Confine the sale of personal goods or services to the DASCH Classified section on the website. No business solicitations at meetings, events, or on website forum. You may utilize the family business portion of your profile to advertise any small business endeavors you are involved in.

  • Attend the annual required March member meeting. If you do not attend that meeting without a valid reason (submitted ahead of time to the Steering Committee for approval), then the dues penalty will be an additional $25 in order to renew the following year. If you miss the meeting two years in a row, you are not eligible for renewal. This meeting is a crucial time of planning for the following school year and all input is needed. This is the only required event all year.

Members agree that they will notify the Steering Committee if they cannot meet or abide with the expectations laid out above.

Code of Conduct

  • Be responsible for your children. This includes supervision at all DASCH events. If you cannot attend, you must get another DASCH member to assume responsibility and supervision of your child(ren).

  • Behave in a manner that reflects positively on DASCH.

  • Respect other people.

  • Respect other people’s property.

  • Treat others like you want to be treated.

  • Practice forgiveness. Ask for it when needed and give it easily.

  • Follow any posted, stated or implied rules. In all cases, err on the side of caution.

  • If you cannot live without it, do not share it, loan it, or bring it to a DASCH function. (Any personal property brought to a DASCH function is your personal responsibility.)

  • Agree and acknowledge that all DASCH activities will be conducted according to our statement of faith.

  • Enjoy the fellowship, treasure the friendships and celebrate the adventure that is HOMESCHOOLING.


If the Steering Committee is alerted that a DASCH member is not upholding the Member expectations or the Code of Conduct outlined above, they will first ascertain what, if any, corrective action has already been attempted following the biblical peacemaking principles. The Steering Committee is committed and bound to using the principles of biblical peacemaking in all conflict situations. Should a member family continue to disregard the member expectations or Code of Conduct, the privilege of membership in DASCH may be revoked.

Member Service Requirements

(also known as . . . Many Hands Make Light Work)

Each member family agrees to serve in at least one DASCH activity each school year. You may select this service from a list of more than 40 existing opportunities or you may propose another way you can contribute your God-given talents and interests to the group. You will indicate your area of service either during the March Annual meeting or via email to the coordinator for the activity/ area you are interested in. It is your responsibility to make sure that your one (1) service is accomplished during the school year. If you do not serve in at least 1 area during the year, you will be given grace for the 1st time and be required to pay $60 for dues the following year. The second year that you do not serve, you will not be able to renew the following year.

Field Trips

As listed in the membership guidelines, only DASCH members may sign up for and attend field trips. DASCH members may bring a friend to a field trip only if they have it approved beforehand by the Membership Coordinator or Field Trip Coordinator. The member must purchase all the tickets and be the DASCH contact for the visitor. Non-members may not attend a DASCH event without their member "sponsor" and cannot purchase or reserve tickets to DASCH events under any circumstances. Family and houseguests are handled a bit differently and are welcome anytime. In this case, the member is still the responsible party.

Field Trip Expectations

We are aware that we are representing Christ and homeschoolers wherever we go. To assist the Field Trip Planner (FTP), please abide by these guidelines:

  1. RSVP promptly and pay all fees by the due date

  2. Do not attend an event if you are not signed-up

  3. Do attend all events for which you have signed up

  4. Be punctual – we want to be courteous and not waste each other’s time and some venues will not allow other participants to start or be seated until the whole group has arrived

  5. Be courteous of the FTP and follow her instructions carefully

  6. Remind your children to respect all those in authority & to follow the DASCH code of conduct

  7. Remember to dress appropriately for the event and keep modesty in mind

  8. Be sure to thank the tour guide or spokesperson

Paying for Field Trips & other DASCH events

Need to pay membership dues, field trip tickets, co-op classes? Please follow the instructions below. Our primary method is via paypal, although checks and cash are also accepted.

If using paypal...

  1. Log into your account on the DASCH website

  2. Click on the paypal logo in the top right corner (the 'P') that has an outstanding balance next to it.

  3. Select what you are paying for, or pay for all of it at once, and hit 'pay now'

  4. This will take you to paypal where you can complete your payment.

When possible, please group invoice payments together. This cuts down on transaction fees that DASCH must pay.

Our secondary method is to write a check out to DASCH and mail it to the current DASCH treasurer.

Payment Policy

For each event that requires payment, there will be a cancellation policy. On the whole, unless specified, all payments are non-refundable. Many events will allow cancellation by a certain date, and payment will not be required (for field trips, this will often correspond with the payment deadline.) Some events will not allow cancellation (such as when the price is determined by how many will attend, like some of the parties). Once you have signed up for an event and the cancellation date has passed (if applicable) then you are liable for that payment. Any outstanding payments must be made before you will be able to renew your membership.

In the case that a field trip is a free event, your sign-up is a commitment that you will be there. If you fail to show up for this event and have not cancelled by the time designated in the trip details, your family will be charged a $10 fee. This is because many venues offer free events, but there is often a minimum for the group size and need to be able to rely on the sign-up numbers.

Field Trip Planner Expectations

  • The field trip planner must provide The Education Coordinator with initial details (venue, month).

  • The field trip should be posted on the DASCH calendar with as many details as possible as soon as a date is determined.

  • The field trip planner is responsible for reading the entire Field Trip Planner Handbook.

Reimbursement Guidelines

  • Requests for reimbursements should be submitted to the treasurer no later than 2 weeks after an event, unless otherwise discussed with the treasurer. Be sure to indicate your preferred method of reimbursement, PayPal or check, in your reimbursement request.

  • All reimbursements for the school year will be paid by June 30th. All requests for reimbursement should be submitted by June 15th. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

  • Reimbursements will be paid promptly. In general, they will be mailed or sent to a PayPal account within two days of submission. In the case of checks, receipt of the check can be up to one week after the request. However, it may take up to two weeks, if the treasurer is traveling. If you know ahead of time that you will need a reimbursement by a certain date, just let the treasurer know in advance.

  • Requests for reimbursement can be submitted in person, by mail, or by email. The required forms are available on the website at Financial - Expense Reimburse/Payment. Receipts for all expenses must be kept and submitted to the treasurer, regardless of the amount.

  • All co-op related reimbursements should be submitted to a DASCH Day coordinator for approval first. She will in turn forward the request to the treasurer.

Mom’s Meeting & Retreats

Moms’ Meetings are designed to refresh, encourage, and support each other in our journey as home educators. Please check the calendar and RSVP! There is no childcare available; therefore, only nursing infants are allowed to be brought along to these events. We also have quarterly Mom’s Support meetings for moms of Tweens/Teens to address the challenges to this specific age group. Additionally, each time a new “class” of members join, we host some additional meetings to help integrate them into the group and provide support as they begin their journey of homeschooling.

Our annual retreat is designed to promote fellowship, spiritual growth, and inspiration for the mid-year blues. Since this is such a coveted event for moms to really get away from the normal grind; no children are allowed. Moms may bring their nursing infant (12 weeks or younger) during the daytime but infants are not allowed to stay the night. Due to the size of our group, the retreat is limited to a first come, first basis. Commitment and payment for the retreat is due in the fall so we can secure housing and budget for the weekend.

DASCH Homeschool Life Website

All content posted on the DASCH forums should be in keeping with the DASCH Statement of Faith and reflect those shared values. We are a very active and large group. To improve communication, we ask that you post your topic to the appropriate forum category and that you not make non-substantive replies to the whole group. For instance, many members may be interested in a response about a curriculum topic or homeschooling issue so please post your response to the whole forum. But if you are making a brief comment or a personal message (such as “thanks,” “me too,” “praying for you,” etc.) please send a response privately. If you would like to post a forum topic and do not see an appropriate category for it, please contact the appropriate Steering Committee member for assistance.


The DASCH roster is there for our member’s convenience. You may print it or download it to automatically update your phone and address lists, however, please respect everyone’s privacy and remember that the DASCH roster may not be downloaded for marketing or sharing purposes.


If you are sending a forward about some product or warning, please check www.snopes.com or www.truthorfiction.com to make certain it is not a rumor, myth, or urban legend.


You may contact a steering committee member with any questions about the appropriateness of an email that you want to send or one that has already been posted. Please do not rebuke someone openly. If you have a disagreement with someone, please use the steps outlined in biblical peacemaking.