Heartland Home Educators Heartland Home Educators Heartland Home Educators

Who, What, When, Where

Who are the members of HHE?

Christian families who educate their children at home via parent-directed, privately-funded homeschool methods (i.e. not enrollment in a full-time publicly-funded program).

Where does HHE meet?

Heartland Home Educators meets at Friendship Baptist Church in Owasso.  Friendship Baptist Church Owasso is located at 14100 E. 86th St. N., Owasso, OK 74055.

When does HHE meet?

HHE meets on scheduled Tuesdays from August through November and January through April.  Co-op days last from 9:00am to 2:45pm, although members take as many or as few classes as they wish.

HHE's schedule is somewhat dependent on the calendar of Friendship Baptist Church, since they graciously allow us to use their facilities. We work around their schedule to schedule our Fridays before our school year begins, however they will sometimes have something come up unexpectedly, such as a funeral, where they will need the church and we will have to change our meeting day or cancel it altogether to accommodate that need. Check out the HHE Calendar to see the days that are currently scheduled for the upcoming school year.

What do families do for lunch?

On the Tuesdays when HHE meets, each family provides for their own lunch. Either a lunch is brought from home or a parent runs out before lunch and buys something to bring back. Either way, we all enjoy eating our lunch together and, with a 45 minute lunch period, the kids have time left over to play. HHE also has a small snack bar, which we fondly refer to as Cavity Corner, where families can purchase candy, soda, nachos and sometimes a lunch special, such as tacos, frito pies, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc.

What obligation do parents/guardians have with HHE?

HHE is not a drop-off organization.  HHE is a cooperative and, as such, parents/gardians are required to attend the co-op along with their children and to help facilitate the smooth operation of the cooperative. There are a list of jobs available from which parents can choose. Duties include teaching a class, assisting in a class, set-up and clean-up/break-down of lunch tables and chairs, planning committees for holiday parties, field trips, future classes, etc. Parents may run quick errands, such as running out to purchase lunch, and must sign out when leaving and sign back in when returning. Children must be supervised at all times; when they are not in a class, this is the parent's responsibility.  Parents are required to be on-site at HHE during the hours their children are in attendance, with the exception of a quick errand, as described above.

What curriculum is used at HHE?

Teachers are free to use whatever curriculum they prefer to teach their classes, or to make up their own curriculum, as long as they adhere to the HHE Statement of Faith.

How many classes may/must we sign up for?

There is no minimum number of classes required at HHE. Parents may sign their children up for one class only, one class for each hour or anything in between. If a child has free time between classes, it is the parent's responsibility to ensure the child is supervised during this time.

What amenities are offered at the HHE location?

Friendship Baptist Owasso offers many amenities to HHE families, including an indoor playground, an outdoor fenced-in playground, a indoor gym with a full basketball court, an outdoor basketball court, an outdoor gaga ball court (Google it; it's all the rage!), outdoor soccer goals and lots of outdoor yard and concrete space for every activity imaginable. Additionally, FBO has many areas with comfortable couches and chairs for hanging out, visiting and relaxing, work areas with tables and a snack area next to the kitchen. All of these spaces may be used by parents and supervised children. Please note: all food and drinks must remain in the kitchen or the snack area next to the kitchen. Children must be supervised at all times.

What extracurricular activites does HHE offer?

HHE offers field trips, holiday parties, mom's night out, an end of year field day and/or program and any other organized event that someone might think up and plan.