“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way... Deu 6:7 See what's coming up

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Christian Group Connect

Christian Group Connect

        Christian Group Connect is a group of like-minded Christian homeschooling groups in the Las Vegas Valley that work together to reach common goals. There are a lot of great home-school groups that have specialties and offer their members a variety of opportunities to grow and thrive. With Christian Group Connect, we can come together occasionally as a bigger body of Christian homeschooling to participate in events and activities that will benefit the groups collectively and be a blessing to the community.

        The current groups that are invited to participate in Christian Group Connect are: City Lights, Henderson Christian Homeschooling, Chiefs, and Eagles. This is a place for positive communication and constructive relationships. We will strive for unity and seek to be a blessing to each other with our unique talents and beliefs, and look forward to working together with peace and love.

        It is ideal for there to be one or two liaisons from each home-school group to communicate, possibly via e-mail, with each of the other groups about potential events.

Examples of how Christian Group Connect can work:

  • A member of Group A wants to have a big home-school book sale. Group A decides this is a good idea. Liaison from Group A e-mails the Christian Group Connect to let the other 3 groups know of the potential upcoming event. Liaisons from groups B, C, and D present the idea to their groups to see who is interested. Groups B and D would like to participate in this event and e-mail the Liaison that they are interested. This event doesn’t work for Group C or isn’t something they are wanting to devote time to. (Maybe they will promote this event on their group web page but they aren’t going to help organize or participate.) Someone with Group A could then work with Groups B and D to organize, promote, and create the event.

  • Sometimes a group might have most or all of the details worked out for an event and just present a “complete” idea to the other groups to see if they want to participate. Or sometimes, a group might have a basic idea in its beginning stages and might ask other groups if they want to collaborate to plan and implement the event. This will depend on the group and the idea.

Current ideas for potential events where Christian Group Connect would be helpful:

  • Home-school Convention/Conference

  • Teen Events (softball/soccer tournament, volleyball games, etc.)

  • Book Sales

  • Service Projects

Because we value unity within this larger body, we will agree to regularly pray for Christian Group Connect, and for the home-school groups involved with it. We will understand that not all events will work for all groups, but we will be thankful when we do have the opportunity to work together. Christian Group Connect has the opportunity to be a blessing to the home-school groups involved, and to the community as a whole. Praise the Lord!