A Cottage School in Manassas, Virginia Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image

Registration Instructions

Registration Process for SNAC:

1. All new families must sign up for membership online and pay your registration fee, before registering for classes. You may request membership here.

*NOTE: Any child you wish to register must be included in your profile. Enter the grade they'll be in for the 2023-2024 year (some classes are restricted by age). If you need to check or make changes to your profile information, please click "Edit My Profile" at the top right of this page, while logged in as a member. 

2.  Before you can register for classes, there is a $350 one-time registration fee per new family, and a $250 annual registration fee for returning families (increases to $350 after June 1). Purchasing supplies and consumables, and paying any supply fees will happen after registration. 

3. Once your registration fee is received and you're logged into your family account, you can select >Classes & Registration at the top menu (you can also view the Class Schedule here and the Class Matrix here). 

4. Determine the classes you want to enroll your child(ren) in, and make sure that each child is the correct age for the class and that any prerequisites have been met. On the right hand side will be a box with your family members. Select the check boxes for the child(ren) you'd like to register for the class and hit "Register." You will receive a pop-up that says, "Your registration was successful." When you click back on a class, it'll now show a check mark next to any child(ren) you've registered.

5. To see an overview of which classes you registered for, select "Manage Registrations" at the top of the Class Registration page (or click here).

6. If you mistakenly signed up for a class that you would like to remove, or you decide to drop a class, please contact administration (most are set to allow you do drop them yourself via the website within the first month of classes).

7. Once administrators have processed your selections, you will receive an invoice with several payment schedules available (view pricing details here). After registration, there may be additional supply fees paid to the teacher, or individual purchases throughout the year (such as consumable workbooks, supplies for special projects, etc.) depending on the class (we try to note anticipated fees in the course description).