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Chess Club




The Lansing HEART Chess Club is for kids ages 8 years old and older who know the basics of chess, such as how the pieces move, and are serious about improving their game.


The club will generally meet twice a month from September to May on Tuesdays from 1pm to 2:45pm on the west side of Lansing. We will try to meet at the Delta Township Library as often as possible. The club schedule will be updated here and on the HEART calendar as the meeting space is confirmed. Please commit to attending as many club meetings as possible.





Club meetings will consist of a lesson and lots of time to play chess. Members will have the opportunity to show their knowledge as they progress through six levels to become a "Club Master".


In addition to club meetings, club tournaments can be planned if members are interested.


The cost to join the chess club is a yearly non-refundable $10 fee per member. This fee is used to help cover supplies and awards.


In order for the club to run smoothly, parent volunteers will be needed. A parent of each club member will be expected to volunteer at up to three club meetings during the year. 


Click HERE to sign up!