EAGLES' NEST Homeschool Co-Op


Class Information


What is Early Learning?


Our Early Learning program is for ages 3-5.  It meets on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The students participate in crafts, music and other learning activities.


What is the Elementary program?



The Elementary program is for ages 5 - 12 and meets on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Classes include P.E., Spanish using Calico Spanish, History/Art,  and Science. Our classes are not broken up into grade levels but students will be placed with others close to their age. Throughout the day we incorporate memory work for Bible Scripture, Timeline, History, Science, Spanish, Geography, Math and English Grammar.



What does a typical co-op day look like?


Eagles' Nest meets once a week on Tuesday.

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. is family assembly where we will cover announcements, Bible memory work and our Timeline history song. 

Children in the Sprouts program will go to the Early Learning Center from 9:30-12:30.

The Elementary students will break up into their age-related classes and attend P.E., Spanish, Science and History/Art. Lunch is at 12:30. 

4th - 6th graders signed up for the Language & Logic program will have class from 1:30 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Flight School (Middle School) will have an A.M. block (Spanish, Science, History, Logic/Cartography) and a P.M. block (Grammar, Writing through Literature, P.E.)

Tuition and Fees


What are the tuition costs?


Tuition is as follows:

      $50 registration fee per family

      Sprouts (ages 3-5) - $450/year

      Elementary - A.M. (ages 5-12) - $450/year

      Upper Elementary - P.M. (ages 9-12) - $450/year

      Lower Elementary - P.M. (ages 3-8) - $250/year

      Flight School - A.M. (Middle School) - $450/year

      Flight School - P.M. (Middle School) - $450/year



Will I need to purchase any additional supplies?


Upper Elementary (ages 9-12) P.M. class:  Fix it Grammar Level 2 and IEW's US History Based Writing Lessons.

Flight School (6th grade and up) will have a required and recommended book list to be discussed at orientation.


Are there discounts or scholarships available?


     For Elementary and Middle School - there is a $50 discount per tuition if paid in full before September 8.

     We do not currently offer scholarships but payment plans are available.  Contact our Director Melanie Harmon at (712) 898 - 6638 to make those arrangements.



How do I become a member?


First click on the 'Join' link at the top of the page. Next complete the 'Application for 2023-24' located in the left-hand menu. We will then contact you about becoming a member.