Co-op Details
Q: |
When and where does Life Enrichment Center meet? |
A: |
Friday mornings in Mount Joy, PA. |
Q: |
What is the financial commitment for joining Life Enrichment Center? |
A: |
There are several ways to participate in LEC. Family Registration: -A yearly family fee of $225-$250, plus the cost of books and materials designated for each class. Additional opt-in activities (field trips, Spooky Nook classes) may also have a fee. Paid Elective Program (PEP): -A fee of $200* per year-long class for each student who registers, plus the cost of books and materials designated for each class. *(or $80 for a fall semester class and $110 for a spring semester class) Drama Program (Returning families, grades 7-12 only): -$175 per cast member or $10 per stage crew member. Additional expenses for costume pieces may also arise. |
Q: |
What is the Paid Elective Program? |
A: |
Our Paid Elective Program (PEP) is available for students in grades 7-12. Parents may choose to register their Junior and Senior High students on a class-by-class basis. Registration in LEC's PEP courses is not a Family Membership in the LEC Co-op, but rather an alternative option for families unable to make a deeper commitment to the LEC Co-op community. Parents may drop off their children just prior to their scheduled class(es), however, we do ask that parents promptly pick up their children after their last class. (Students with only a 1st and 3rd period class must sign up for Study Hall for 2nd period.) |
Parent Requirements
Q: |
Will I be expected to teach a class? |
A: |
Yes. A parent from each family (usually Mom :) ) is asked to teach either a year-long course, or two separate one-semester courses. This only applies to those with a Family Registration. Parents of PEP students are not expected to teach. New moms are generally not expected to teach during their first semester at LEC, although occasionally it is necessary. |
Q: |
What does a co-op day consist of for me as a parent? |
A: |
Our co-op day is divided into three hours. The parent will teach during one hour, assist in a class during one hour, and participate in a moms’ fellowship time during her free period. |
Q: |
Are there any other responsibilites that come with membership? |
A: |
Several times a year (2-3), each mom is asked to help provide a snack for the Mom's Room. Additional opportunities to volunteer to serve the group may arise, such as organizing the back-to-school picnic, coordinating family night, hosting moms’ night out, cleaning the nursery, etc.