Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana Christian Homeschool Support for Acadiana

Do you have questions regarding homeschooling?

Are you looking for a homeschool support group in the Lafayette area?

Are you already a member of CHEF and want to know information on our next field trip?

Then you are in the right place!

Welcome to the Christian Home Educators Fellowship. Here you will find updated info on CHEF of Lafayette events and news, as well as helpful information on homeschooling. To join, go to the Membership tab for additional information and to download our application.

It is our desire to encourage homeschoolers and support those who need it. Whether you are a newcomer or have a few years of experience under your belt, we all need support, encouragement, and resources to help us do the job God has called us to do.

Browse through the pages and links to find what you need. View the calendar and latest Newsletter (found under the Publications tab) to find out what is happening this month. If you have any questions contact one of us who are happy to assist you.

Check out our "Getting Started Guide" - here you will find our suggested guidelines to consider that can help you get your home school off to the right start.

Don't forget to browse our "Homeschool Info" page for resources for organizing your education, including the State of Louisiana Home Study Application and information regarding TOPS scholarships.

Statement of Faith

We believe:

1.  The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, divinely preserved Word of God; the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
2.  That there is only one true God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3.  In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the Cross, His bodily resurrection, His Ascension, and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
4.  That man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, can be saved.
5.  That salvation is the free gift of God given to the sinner by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose substitutionary death on the Cross fully paid the penalty for man’s sin.
6.  That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict mankind, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
7.  In the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that individual doctrinal differences which may exist, outside of the aforementioned (IV 1-6), should not hinder the unity of Christian home educators.

Statement of Family

We believe that the family is the basic governmental, social, and spiritual unit created by God. In it the child learns self-government, social relationships, and develops a relationship with the Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, according to John 3:5 and 16, Ephesians 6:1 and Colossians 3:20. The family also provides protection from over-extensive government and over- stimulating social involvement.

We believe “marriage” is between a biological man and a biological woman. (Romans 1: 18-31) Therefore, we reject any union that does not agree with the Bible’s definition of a marriage. (Proverbs 1:8 and 9, 2:1-11; Colossians 3:21; and Ephesians 6:4)

We believe “family” to mean a biological male and biological female parent, legally and Biblically married, with one or more children (Genesis 1:26-28), although we recognize the exceptions of single parent, adopted, foster, grand parent, and step children (James 1:27).

Statement of Education

We believe that the ultimate responsibility for the education of children belongs to parents (Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:1-25, and 4:1-4 Parents may allow another to teach some, but all education must be under the ultimate control and supervision of the parents.

We believe education in the home to be the best form of education.

We believe that all education is religious in nature since one’s view of the “world” and life is inevitably involved in teaching (Proverbs 2:1-8 and 3:1-2, with 6:20-23; and Matthew 28:18-20). Every discipline of knowledge, whether it be a subject such as mathematics, science, or history will have as its final reference point theistic, or, in the alternative, a humanistic view of reality (Colossians 1:15-20 and 2:8-15), and that there is no neutral academic discipline.

Our Vision

Through a commitment to Biblical principles, we partner with families seeking to educate and disciple their children, fostering spiritual growth and a Christ-centered community.

Our Mission

Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Lafayette is a local homeschool support group of like-minded Christian home educating families. We are here to encourage, support and assist homeschoolers in our area who are endeavoring to educate their children based on the Biblical, Christian conviction.

Members enjoy monthly field trips, recreational and sports activities, monthly newsletters, open board meetings and fellowship. Check out our calendar for the latest events.

CHEF of Lafayette is part of the state-wide Homeschool Louisiana organization, which provides leadership and keeps local homeschoolers abreast of legal and legislative homeschool issues, both statewide and nationally.  Look for their link on our Links page.

We are a non-profit organization.

Code of Conduct for CHEF members:

CHEF of Lafayette is a Christian Homeschool Group composed of families.  Each family serves as a representative of our Group, the home educating community, and most important, the Lord Christ Jesus.

We, the parents, understand that all the officers are volunteers and are volunteering their time, efforts and energies to benefit our children and us.  We respect these volunteers as we should be respected when we volunteer.  We agree to conduct ourselves in a reasonable manner when participating in all group activities.  This includes (but is not limited to) dressing morally appropriate, following instructions, respecting authority, careful treatment of property, polite behavior towards others and no smoking, alcohol, drugs, foul language, or obscene gestures.  We understand that failure to comply may result in our being asked to refrain from participation in the field trip or activity.

Membership Information

Here you will find the necessary information to join.  We sincerely want to help walk with you and your family as we journey down the homeschool education road together. The Board is here is assist you and remain open to any and all suggestions.

If you are interested in joining, CLICK HERE or download and print our Application.

Fill out the form and mail it to the address below along with your $47 annual dues.  Dues may be paid by check or PayPal.

With your paid membership, you will receive our email Newsletter, privileges to CHEF activities such as field trips, a Member Directory, a discount on membership to HSLDA, a discount on sports session registrations.

You can mail your Application and dues to:

CHEF of Lafayette
P.O. Box 1373
Scott, LA 70583

Contact Us

President - Joe & Kelly Mitchell
(337) 352-2122
Vice President - Brad & Andree Petry
(337) 278-6505
Treasurer - William & Jessica Fairburn
(337) 303-7354
Past President - Don & Monica Gauthreaux
(337) 873-4015
Newsletter - Melissa Hall
(337) 412-8370


Donate to Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Lafayette. We are a 501C3 organization.