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Request Membership in the CHSA Website!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Please note that membership in CHSA's website runs until May 1st each year. After May 1st, your account will be deleted if you do not re-register for your sport. 

Form Instructions:

1.  For Primary Email, please enter the primary email that you prefer to use for CHSA communications. This is the email address that will receive forum posts. If you want additional email addresses to receive forum posts, enter those under Secondary Email, then select Yes to receive forum notifications.

At the end of the form (Items 1-5 under Additional Questions), you will have the opportunity to enter complete home and parent cell phone numbers and email addresses. These are used by our leaders and coaches to create rosters with contact information for your family. Emails entered here do not control who receives forum emails. 

2.  For Children, please enter only CHSA Player names and information. Please enter the player's birth date; this is required for use by CHSA coaches. If you don't wish to share your player's information with other CHSA families, you may uncheck the box listed after your player's information.  See example below:

Show Children Info to Other Families:

3.  The Forum is the main means of communication for CHSA. Members MUST select YES for receiving forum notifications via email in their user profile. To receive emails immediately (e.g. game time changes), choose YES for receiving notifications immediately.  Delivery Type does not matter.  DO NOT choose Daily Digest function. At a minimum choose the forum categories of All-CHSA, All-Basketball (or golf or volleyball), and your family’s team(s).  See example below:   

Would you like to receive forum notifications via email (not just the ones you create)?

Yes    No

Many Emails: Would you like to receive notifications IMMEDIATELY?
Yes      No
Delivery Type:
Whole Thread      New Part Only
Daily Digest: Would you like to receive notifications ONCE A DAY?
Yes      No

indicates a required field

Yes No

Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


Add Child

Yes No

Forum Emails:

Yes No
Yes No
Whole Thread New Part Only
Yes No

Classifieds Emails:

Yes No Yes No

Additional Questions

Please enter all contact information that applies to your family (leave those blank that do not apply).  It is very useful for the CHSA coaches and leaders to have phone and email information for individual parents. Emails entered here do not control who receives forum notifications. 

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.

Payment Instructions