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Request to Join Cedarwood Christian School and Co-op Below

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

The steps to joining Cedarwood Christian School include:

1. An interview with CCS Leadership Team.

2.Two references. One from your Pastor and another from an employer (current or previous) or from a volunteer organization leader with whom you have served.

3.Background check. Background check fee is $14 (non-refundable) and the check will be conducted through our program.  

4.Please also read through our Code of Conduct and Doctrinal Statement to evaluate whether or not our program would be a good fit for your family.

5. Once accepted, a $50 non-refundable deposit will be required to register for classes. This fee will be applied to your tuition.

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Payment Instructions

Upon acceptance, you will be billed a $14 background check fee and $50 deposit.  Both fees are non-refundable and the $50 deposit will be applied to your tuition.  In addition, you will recieve an invoice for your tutiion.  Inquirys related to billing may be posed to our Financial Director.