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Request / Update Membership with Grace Christian Educators

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

An annual membership fee, in the amount of $40, is charged once annually per family and is valid for the fall and/or spring semester of the current school year, reguardless of when you request membership.  If you maintain continual membership, from year to year, you will remain a registered family and you will retain your priority registration status for GCE classes.

Bi-annually, Grace School fees*, in the amount of $30 administrative fee and $30 facility fee (which 100% pays for the use of the building).  These are paid prior to class registration and are only due from those who choose to participate in co-op classes.  Please let us know of your intent to take classes each semester at the bottom of this form.  NOTE:  This answer is important as payment of GCE fees must be received to open registration for your children.  If you tell us that you do not plan to take classes you will not be invoiced for GCE fees.  Payment of GCE fees must be received in order to open the registration portal on the opening day of registration.

*GCE fees are refundable if you change your mind about taking classes, but must notify us at least two weeks before first day of classes each semester.  Non-refundable after this.

Class fees are not paid to GCE.  These are separate from membership and GCE fees and are paid directly to the teachers.  Class fees will be detailed in our class schedule each semester.

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Additional Questions

**By becoming a member of Grace Christian Educators, you agree with the following statement:

I have read a copy of the GCE Policies in the GCE Handbook and agree with and will abide by the GCE Statement of Faith and the GCE policies. 

**The Statement of Faith and the GCE Handbook can be viewed by clicking on the links at the top of the home screen page.  They are viewable by clicking on the link at the top of the public home screen:  https://www.homeschool-life.com/tx/gracechristianed/