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Interested in providing a HAHA Class

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest in providing a HAHA Class! These classes go beyond a typical HAHA Field Trip by building on knowledge learned each meeting. Some examples of HAHA Classes can be found on our calendar in BLUE. If you have something you would like to teach to our members, please complete this form and our Class Coordinators will be in touch. 

Contact Beth Mellott at dagwood5@hotmail.com if you have further questions. 

1. *

Class Name: 

2. *

Short Description of Class: 

3. *

Age/Grade Range: 

4. *

Maximum Number of Students: 

5. *

Minimum number of students required for class to run: 

6. *

Number of weeks class will run: 

7. *

Total number of classes: 

8. *

Cost per student: 

9. *

Is there a discount for multiple members of same family? Describe discount breakdown here: 

10. *

Date & time you'd like to start (at least a month & a half in the future so people can sign up): 

11. *

Submitter's Name

12. *

Submitter's Email

13. *

Submitter's Phone Number