Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers
All applications are being placed on a waiting list for 2024-25.
If you are interested in joining our co-op, we suggest scheduling a visit during one of our
regular co-op days as well as applying now, so that you are in the queue of our waiting list.
Send us an email to schedule a visit.

Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers

Who We Are:

Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers began in 1998. We are a Christian homeschool organization that believes God has brought us together to encourage us as we homeschool our children. We provide opportunities for our children to socialize and interact with other homeschool families. We also provide support and prayer for our families through various activities, meetings, fellowship, and field trips.

Where and When We Meet:

Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers’ co-op meets 10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the winter/spring on Thursdays at DOVE Westgate Church, 1755 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522.

Our co-op days are divided into three 45-minute periods. Classes are taught on a volunteer basis by our parents. All members are required to serve as a helper/sub during two of the three periods, except teachers who only serve one period.

There is a Parents' Room where we spend our “off” hour.


Our current membership fee is $150 per year per family. This fee helps cover the cost of running our co-op and includes membership and benefits in our county-wide organization, CHALC. Some of the CHALC benefits are a monthly county-wide newsletter and discounts on HSLDA membership, seminars, and the county-wide graduation ceremony. On occasion some classes have nominal fees for additional supplies. The fee is not due until your membership is confirmed.

Classes: (age cut-off is September 30)

Nursery (under 3)

Nursery care is provided while you are serving in a class.


Preschoolers usually have a story time, a craft, and a snack/play time.

Kindergarten through 6th Grade

Kindergarten through 6th graders have three periods a day: one period for gym, one for music/choir, and one for electives. They choose one of two electives each semester. Examples of previous electives include: Art, Little House on the Prairie, Hands-on Science, Poetry, Horses, Manners, etc.

Seventh through Twelfth Grade (7-ups)

Seventh through twelfth grade students (7-ups) have three periods a day and several elective choices for each period.

Some classes run for 20 weeks and some are 10 weeks only. Examples of previously offered classes include: Babysitting Certification, CPR Certification, Medieval Knights, Speech, Poetry, Book Studies/Discussion, Vocal Ensemble, Political Science, Science Labs, etc.

In addition to our scheduled co-op days, we offer Moms’ Nights Out, field trips, a learning fair, a music/choir concert, fire safety day, and field day.

If you are interested in joining our co-op, please fill out the application form (click on link at the very top of the page). You will be placed on our waiting list. We give current members priority enrollment. Your application will be dated on the day it is received and placed on the list in that order. In addition to the date of application, we also need to take into consideration the amount of available space we have per age group when we review the applications.

Statement of Faith

All families attending Conestoga Valley Homeschoolers must affirm this Statement of Faith in all areas of participation, including but not limited to teaching, helping, and attending classes and events that the co-op might have.


We believe in the one God eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  We believe that they are equal in perfection, nature and ability.
Mathew 5:48, 28:19-20; John 1:1-2; Colossians 2:9

We believe in Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man.  He was begotten of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin.  He was perfect, without sin and died on the cross as a sacrificial substitute for all mankind.  He rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God where He intercedes for His people.
Luke1:34-38; Acts 2:23-24; Philippians 2:6-11; Colossians 1:15-17; I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 2:9, 4:15, 8:1, 9:24; I Peter 1:3, 2:24, 3:18; I John 2:2

We believe in the Holy Spirit as a divine person sent to guide, instruct, dwell, and empower the believer and convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgment.
John 14:15-18.26; John 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 6:19

We believe in the authority of the Bible, that it is the inspired and infallible Word of God. We believe that both the Old Testament and New Testament are given by God and are the complete revelation of His will and salvation to men. We believe that the Bible is the final authority in faith and life.
John 17:17; II Timothy 3:15-17; II Peter 1:19-21

We believe that God created mankind in His image, both male and female.  Each person's biological sex has been sovereignly appointed by God and is an irreversible aspect of his or her nature.  We believe that the first man, Adam, sinned when he disobeyed God and incurred both physical and spiritual judgment and death.  Therefore, all men (except Jesus Christ) are born with a sinful nature, accountable for their sins and separated from God.  Rejection of one's God-ordained biological sexuality reflects a rejection of God's plans and purposes.  Only the saving work of Jesus Christ can reconcile us to God.
Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10-12, 23; 5:12; 6:23; I Corinthians 15:20-23; Ephesians 2:1-10

We believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ, that the shedding of His blood on the cross brings about our right standing with God. It is only through the cross that we are saved; there is nothing that we can do to earn salvation.  When we accept this gift, we then become a child of God.
John 3:16, 6:37, 10:27-30; Romans 5:8, 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9; I Timothy 2:3-6; Titus 3:4-7; I Peter 1:18-23

We believe in the universal church. All who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior are part of the church, where Christ is the head and the church is the body.
Romans 12:5; I Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 1:20-23;

We believe that Christ Jesus will return a second time.
I Thessalonians 4:16; Hebrews 10:37; Revelation 20:1-15

We believe in the sanctity of marriage, that marriage is only between one man and one woman.
Genesis 2:20-24; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:31 


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