ARROWS<br>Homeschool Co-op ARROWS<br>Homeschool Co-op Click to find out! ARROWS<br>Homeschool Co-op ARROWS<br>Homeschool Co-op ARROWS<br>Homeschool Co-op

As the homeschool ministry of GraceLife Baptist Church our desire is to encourage deeper relationships and wider educational experiences for christian homeschool families of the New River Valley.  By sharing our gifts and talents we offer a low cost co-op with academic and enrichment classes for the whole family.

We recognize homeschooling is hard work and we want to lighten the load, not add to it.  

Our desire is to supplement what each family is already doing at home, not direct it.  

We do this by providing:

  • Nursery
  • Preschool play & learning time
  • K-1 students with interesting learning experiences
  • Elementary students with classroom experiences to help foster respect for other adults and students.  Our desire is that they would become more mature and more independent in their learning.
  • Middle school students with opportunities to learn new topics or go deeper in subjects of interest.  Our desire is that they would build strong friendships through teamwork and joint experiences.
  • High school students with opportunities to build their faith and their transcripts.  Our desire is that they would take ownership of their faith, their education, and their service to the Lord alongside positive peer relationships.  They will also have the opportunity to work toward our co-op Excellence Award.

The co-op should help us to become authentic Christians through regular, transparent interactions and encourage our hearts to press on toward the prize. 

What We Do

  • Morning co-op classes for birth thru 12th grade
  • Afternoon a la carte community classes
  • Parties
  • Field Trips
  • High School Graduation for members
  • NRV Used Curriculum Sale

Types of Classes

We recognize that every homeschool family is different and they use different curriculum.  Therefore, we offer the "extras" - those things that all too often get set aside at home because of time, ability, or the need for a group setting.  Every semester is a little different, and we are always expanding our options.  Examples of classes we have offered or hope to offer:

  • PE
  • Literature
  • Writing
  • Hands On Science
  • Apologia Science
  • Salt Dough Geography
  • Native American History
  • Little House
  • Sign Language
  • Spanish
  • Basic Art Techniques
  • Learning through Legos
  • Interest Clubs
  • Computer Science
  • Civics
  • Money Management
  • Video Recording & Production
  • Lighting & Sound
  • Debate/Forensics
  • And more...

Prospective Members

If you have questions about our co-op or have general homeschooling questions, we would love to help via the Contact Us form above.

The FAQ above will answer most questions.

If you are seeking membership, we accept applications from March 1 - April 15 each year. 

An application link will appear in the top right login box during that time. 

We review applications in April, and send new member offers in early May.

There will be a new member info session on Wednesday, March 26th from 10:00-11:30am if you would like to learn more and tour our building.

GraceLife Baptist Church 1640 Peppers Ferry Road Christiansburg