Boerne Area Christian Homeschoolers Boerne Area Christian Homeschoolers

Request Membership to Boerne Area Christian Homeschoolers

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Thank you for requesting membership to BACH.  Please fill out the following information for both you and your family and pay the $50 membership fee at the end.  If you are NOT ready to pay the membership fee, please wait to fill out the forms as you will need to reapply at the time of payment.

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Statement of Faith

The purpose of BACH is as follows:

A. BACH is Christ-centered with the Bible providing the basis and standard of truth and values.

B. The primary goal of BACH is the development of Christian character in our children, where each child is led to a personal relationship with Christ and trained in scriptural principals and values. Another goal is to promote academic excellence, which is to be acquired as a natural outcome of responsible, consistent homeschooling.

C. The purpose of meeting together is to encourage and support the families of those in the pursuit of continuance of homeschooling by sharing experiences, pooling talents and resources that are within the scope of the values and perspectives of this organization.

D. As a Christ-centered support group, BACH will provide encouragement, information and appropriate experiences to anyone who may be interested in homeschooling, or is already homeschooling.

The Biblical Basis of BACH is as follows:

A. We believe in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Inspired Word of God, inerrant of the original writings.

B. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

C. We believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son, in his first coming took on human flesh being fully God and fully man. That in His humanity, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

D. We believe that Jesus Christ died as a substitute sacrifice for the sins of all men and that all who receive Him by faith are justified by God and eternally saved.

E. We believe that children are given by God as a stewardship to the parent and not the state and that parents have the wherewithal and authority to teach and educate their own children.

Payment Instructions

Note: Payment is required at this time.  If you leave this page without paying via paypal you will need to reapply.

The Next Step is to click on the continue and then log in and pay now button.  From here you will be directed to log into your membership account with your newly created username and password.  Once logged in you will be able to pay your $50 invoice via Paypal. After payment your membership will be approved within 48hrs.  If you skip this step you will have to start over again. 


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