Request Membership in this Homeschool Group!
Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.
To log into our site, you must first become a member by completing the on-line sign up section below and pay the group dues.
2024-2025 school year: The cost for joining is $15.00 regardless of when paid in relation to fall renewals. Your membership request will not be approved until your payment has been received. After applying for membership you will have 10 days to pay or your new application will be denied.
After your membership form and fee have been received you will receive appoval via e-mail to access the entire website.
In submitting this completed form with payment (these are strictly the fees paid to Homeschool-Life & for the group insurance policy), you hereby verify that you have filed the PI-1206 form for your Home-Based Private Education Program (Homeschooling) or otherwise have met the requirements for membership for this school year, and hereby certify that all the information you provide to WCCHE is accurate. A copy of your PI-1206 form may be requested at any time. WCCHE reserves the right to deny/revoke membership without refund of fees to anyone who provides false or misleading information.
*Please note that leaving required information blank will delay approval of your membership until that information is received.
We are a Christian based group for Home Educators/Homeschooling Parents. WCCHE maintains a clear delineation between Virtual Charter public schools, Private Schools, and Home-Based Private Education Programs (Homeschools). WCCHE accepts only HBPEPs (Homeschools) parents, meaning those filing the DPI-1206 form, for membership unless a conditional membership is applied for and approved by the WCCHE Board. Conditional memberships require board approval and are not automatically renewed each year. A Homeschool is a family that has filed the PI-1206 Form with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Please note that the State of Wisconsin defines Virtual Charter Schools as public schools, and all children enrolled in them are considered public school students even though they may receive instruction at home. Students enrolled in Virtual Charter Schools or in WI-based Private Schools are not included on PI-1206 forms and are not considered to be Homeschooled in Wisconsin. At this time, we are not accepting new memberships for families that utilize ONLY Virtual Charter public schools or WI-based Private Schools. Thank you for understanding.
Please note that the above delineation is in no way meant to be a “judgment” on families who utilize brick-and-mortar traditional public schools or virtual/charter public schools or WI-based private schools for some/all of their children. In fact, WCCHE respects the right of the parents in each family unit to choose whatever they deem to be an appropriate educational program for each child. Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association (WHPA) and the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), both strongly recommend that homeschool associations insure that public/taxpayer funds are not used within private homeschool groups. Our membership policy is simply meant to protect private homeschoolers from possible government intrusion that may occur when taxpayer funds are used for private homeschool activities and to respect the fact that WI Homeschoolers are, in fact, independent of the WI Department of Public Instruction, the public schools, & have taken on the task of educating their children indepently.
If you have any questions please contact us at