Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association

Membership in the GCCHSA

The General Board of Trustees is responsible for acting upon applications for membership in the Gloucester County Christian Home Schoolers Association (GCCHSA). Membership in the GCCHSA is available to home-schooling families that meet the qualifications stated in the By-Laws. These are:

- Article IV -

Membership in the GCCHSA
A.  Requirements for Membership
Membership in the GCCHSA is contingent upon:
  1. Abiding by the By-Laws and Policies governing the GCCHSA.
  2. Submitting a completed Application Form, which is then subject to review and formal approval by the General Board of Trustees.
  3. Personally attesting to the GCCHSA Statement of Faith.
  4. Being a member of a local church that agrees with the GCCHSA Statement of Faith - OR - providing a written testimony of salvation to the General Board of Trustees.
  5. Paying and remaining current with annual dues.
The application must be complete and dues must be paid in full before membership takes effect and members can participate in any activities.
All adult parents, guardians, and/or persons who are legally responsible for the home schooled children listed on their approved GCCHSA application, and who are in good standing with the GCCHSA according to the By-Laws and Policies, shall be accepted as regular members and granted the privileges of membership on a per person basis.