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Your child is able to take an online achievement test to satisfy the state’s homeschooling law requirements. These instructions walk you through the process of choosing an online test. You can plan your testing date for any time between now and when you meet with your evaluator.

For both of the options below, the online test is the proctor. You don’t need to worry about having someone else administer the test to your child if they can complete the test on their own.  Younger children may need someone to help them understand the testing format.  (Anyone but the parents may do this.)  This information was updated in 2020. Other testing options exist. These are the two that align with the testing with which YHSA is most familiar.

CAT Testing Options (California Achievement Test)

You can access an online CAT test at Christian Liberty for $25 (they offer a reduced rate of $20 during certain months).

You can select an option for extras: Basic or Premium Service.  Read more about them if you like. The Basic option covers all you need to abide by PA law. Similarly, the PA law does not require you to select the extra $3 charge for the composite option.

Scheduling. The test is good for one year after ordering it.

The test is timed per section, so it need not be completed in one sitting. You can select this test for students grades 1-12.

There is a $5 Practice Test that might be a good option if your child does not have much experience with the mouse and computers.

Questions about the CAT Online? Call Christian Liberty at (800) 348–0899 or (847) 385–2029; press 1

Other options:  Academic Excellence offers an untimed version of the CAT test and often has sales. Other web sites may also offer this test.

Stanford 10 Testing Options

Many of our families hoped to test with the IOWA. There is not an online IOWA, but we did find an equivalent. The Stanford 10 test is much like the IOWA. You can take my word for it, or you can read the comparisons at the Seton website.

Here is some info on the online Stanford 10 test Seton is offering for $40:

“This nationally normed, standardized achievement test is done online at your computer during a scheduled week you select at check-out up to 5 months in advance. The Stanford Online is an untimed, multiple-choice assessment that follows an easy-hard-easy question format where items are arranged to facilitate student engagement and test completion. No degree required. Seton is the Test Administrator.”

Scheduling: The Complete Battery and Abbreviated Battery are administered weekly over a two-day period on specified days from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST according to the following schedule:

Complete Battery — Part 1 Monday, Part 2 Tuesday

Abbreviated Battery — Part 1 Wednesday, Part 2 Thursday

You have to begin and finish the testing during that window (9am-5pm).

Complete Battery — Approximately 4.5 – 5.5 hours spread over 2 days.

Abbreviated Battery — Approximately 2.75 – 3.5 hours spread over 2 days.

And you can pause the test and come back to it later in the day. View/Print a two-day schedule for the Stanford 10 Online. www.setontesting.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/stanford-testing-schedule.pdf

Questions about the Stanford 10? Call Seton at: 540-636-1250; Toll-Free Phone: 800-542-1066. They also have a robust chat feature when you are looking at their items.

Good luck with your next steps with testing!