Middle School Semi Formal
Date – Time
Still to be determined
– 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Dover Bethany Global Methodist Church
4510 Bull Road
Dover, PA 17315 US
Second entrance- down the ramp on the side
Additional Information
Please note: This is a Middle School event - the first one of its kind in YHSA.
It is open only to young teens in the Middle School grades/age range.
It is a Semi- Formal event, thus the dress code will be a little less stringent as far as ties and Formal gowns.
Each YHSA Teen can bring up to 1 Guest. However, please be sure to follow the guest registration signup guidelines below.
***Please pay attention to the dates for Registration and when payments are due***
Registration is open from Tuesday 11/19 - Friday 2/28 and payment is due no later than the end of the registration period (Friday, 2/28)
To register: FIRST, read the Dress Code, Code of Conduct, and Parent Medical Release that follows. Teens and parents will have to agree to abide by both codes and parents will have to agree to the parent medical release. You will be asked to indicate your agreement by typing your name in the electronic signature boxes on the sign-up form. Please take these consent forms very seriously. Doing so acts as your signature and will be used as such if an issue should arise. For a printable form of each of the documents, simply click on the hyperlink for that document.
Dress Code:
Dress to high standards of modesty and respectability in apparel ranging from semi-formal to formal attire.
Shoes must be worn at all times.
By participating in YHSA’s dances, attendees agree to abide by the Christian standards set forth by the group. Attire should match God-given gender.
Semi-formal attire such as dress pants and button-down shirts may be worn.
Button-down shirts must remain buttoned.
All modest dress styles are permitted.
Exclusions: bare midriff (abdomen and back), cut-out sides, exposed cleavage, strapless dresses, slits in skirt
Sheer material (lace, chiffon, etc) is NOT acceptable coverage for exclusions listed above.
All gowns must be BELOW the bottom of the knee or longer.
Sheer material alone (lace, chiffon, etc) is NOT acceptable coverage above the knee.
As an alternative, a woman's pant suit or woman's dress pants or skirt with a fancy top (that is of code) are permitted to be worn.
If you are uncertain about attire, you can reach out to the YHSA Events Chair or any YHSA Board Member. We want to represent YHSA and what we stand for in our bylaws. Please respect them. If you don’t adhere to the aforementioned dress code, you will not be admitted and parents will be contacted. We love our families and kids & want to guide them the best we can.
Code of Conduct
All teens attending this event, including guests, will conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner. This means obeying all adults and chaperones, respecting the property, and treating other attendees with respect and dignity. The use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and profanity are expressly forbidden.
No outside food or drinks will be allowed into the venue. No bags or backpacks larger than small purses will be allowed past the lobby area. Any larger bags will be secured in the lobby until the end of the dance. All pockets and smaller bags and purses will be checked through respectfully at check-in.
**Violating the Code of Conduct will be grounds of immediate expulsion from the event. **
PLEASE NOTE: NO refunds will be given! If you are denied admission to or are expelled from the event due to a code violation, then you will not receive a refund.
***No Minor will be permitted to leave the event before 9:30pm unless signed out by a parent or guardian. ***
Parent Medical Release:
I hereby give YHSA and its representatives permission to seek emergency medical treatment for my child (as named on the registration form) should it become necessary while he/she is attending the Middle School Semi Formal. I have included a phone # where I can be reached in the event of an emergency. I release YHSA and its representatives of any liability while my child is at the Semi Formal.
Once you have read both of the codes and the parent medical release, read the instructions below and click on the "sign-up" link to fill out the online form.
Please be sure to fill out all of the fields on the registration. If something does not apply to you, simply type, "NA".
IF a Teen Member is going to pay for their Guest, be sure to choose the correct "Ticket Option", he/she will click - "Middle School Semi Formal + Guest" for payment. The Teen Member will then enter their Guest's name when prompted "If PAYING for a Guest, Enter Guest's Name".
*Note: Your Guest will still have to register! He/ she will just skip payment if you have already paid for him/her. *
You will need the YHSA Teen Member's Name and Membership # when you register.
Please be sure to fill out all of the fields on the registration. If something does not apply to you, simply type, "NA".
You will make your own payment unless your YHSA Teen has paid for you. When the form is submitted, you will automatically be directed to the payment page where you must make your payment unless sending a check.
IF a Teen Member is paying for you, the Guest will register themselves. When asked, "Is someone paying for you? Who?", fill in the YHSA Teen member's Name and DO NOT make a payment. Once signed up, just leave the page at the time of payment.
Deadline for Signup: 2/28/2025 at 11:55 PM EST