Request Membership
Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.
For 2024-2025, St. Raymond Homeschool Group dues will be $100 per family for St. Raymond parishioners and $120 for non-parishoners. Families not attending clubs may join as “forum” members for $50 per family.
Group dues pay for the website, general supplies, and our parties. This year’s increase will allow the HSG to provide a small stipend to teachers to cover some of the costs of running each club. There will still be additional fees due for high school tutoring and supply-heavy clubs.
Please contact us at if the new dues amount will create a burden for your family. Scholarship funds may be available.
Instructions for submitting dues
Click the following link to remit dues electronically.
Forward your email receipt to our treasurer, Laurie Kujawa.
Child Protection - The attending parent must be VIRTUS compliant in order to participate in clubs.