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Join our Interest List for 2025-2026!!
In joining Firmly Planted Westside, you are making a serious commitment to all the families within the organization. You will hopefully receive some wonderful benefits by being a member, but you will also be relinquishing some of your personal freedoms, such as the freedom to drop out during the term. It will be very difficult for the co-op to replace you after the term starts, so please carefully weigh the benefits and potential costs for your family in making this commitment.
We ask all new families to read the Firmly Planted Parent Commitment in order to determine if our co-op would be a good fit for your family. No money or other paperwork is needed to be added to our Interest List. Feel free to contact Kim Macri with any questions.
VERY IMPORTANT: Understanding your participation at Firmly Planted is vital. As a Cooperative organization, Firmly Planted relies on the availability of all adults to teach and assist in classes as well as sometimes volunteer in various Service Positions. We are only able to offer the classes and services that are volunteered by our parents/guardians.
We do not have paid professionals or special programs to supplement this structure. We can make limited accommodations for extenuating circumstances whenever feasible, but membership with Firmly Planted requires availability and willingness to participate in the ways described above.
(Please note that the * symbol, in the form below, indicates that a response is required in order for the form to be submitted successfully).
Parent Name
Please provide names and ages/grade level of ALL your children that will be attending co-op. (including nursery and preschool). Your oldest attending child must be FIRST grade or above and all of your children's ages/grades must reflect where they will be in September 2024. (ex. Johnny 12 years/6th grade, Sally 2 years/preschool).
Please consider the skills and giftings you have been equipped with to serve the body and our cooperative model at Firmly Planted. Interests, giftings, passions, or training?
Would you be willing to contribute within these areas as a teacher at Firmly Planted? Why or why not?
Our model of operation is that participating adults serve in multiple clases throughout the day, as well as grade level students be able to participate independently. Do you, or any of your children, have special circumstances that would impact the ability to teach, assist and/or participate within our model of operation? Examples: nursing baby, needing to stay with a child during co-op due to special needs or anxiety, etc.
What are you hoping to get from your involvement with the co-op?
How did you hear about us? If you know a current Firmly Planted family, please list their name here.
Contact phone number
Contact Email