Charlotte Mason Group

We are excited to begin a Charlotte Mason community at Pilgrim’s Progress Homeschool Coop to support those who are using the philosophy of British educator, Charlotte Mason.
Our goals are two fold: to provide an enriching CM community for those using the CM method by offering “the riches” to children in a group setting and to simultaneously provide parent education via discussion groups covering select PNEU articles and CM’s original volumes. It
can take years to fully understand CM’s principles, so learning in community where your questions can be answered in person is a huge benefit!
This is a work in progress and we plan to begin by creating a community for preschool aged children and their parents who want to learn more about Charlotte’s philosophy of education.
We hope to grow to enclude children of all ages in the future.
This community will meet twice a month from 10 am-11:30 will include a nature walk, weather permitting. Parents will accompany their child on the nature walk.
Children ages 3-6 are invited to join us for Morning Time which will inclued guided play, poetry, handicrafts, stories,and art appreciation in a gentle, relational setting.
We will be guided loosely by Ambleside Online Year 0 (Zero).
Parents of this community will be within earshot of their children, and will enjoy the fellowship of other women whilst drinking tea and discussing the CM article or principle of the week with Rebekah Anglea, a preschool mom of three (Sarah Beals oldest daughter) who was educated by the CM method.
For those interested in exploring more about the CM method, Sarah Beals is hosting a summer book study using For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer MacCauley that begins at the end of June. Please text or message her if you’d like more information!
This is a work in progress so please feel free to text me with any questions or to let me know if you are interested.
Thank you!
Sarah Beals