Co-Op Information
2024-2025 School Year
Science Co-Op (Wednesday mornings) 9am-10:30 am CORE CLASS NO SUPPLEMENT NEEDED
History/Geography Co-op (Wednesday mornings) 10:30a-12:00p (32 weeks) CORE CLASS NO SUPPLEMENT NEEDED
AFTERNOON COOPERATIVE - if there is interest and parents are willing to teach classes
Co-Op is meeting at Grace Community in Chestertown behind the Tractor Supply Store - 400 Morgnec Road, Chestertown, MD
Apologia Astronomy and Middle School Life Science has an all year teacher but class size is limited.
High School Biology will be taught in true cooperative style with each parent that has a child in a class taking their turn teaching on assigned days. You will be following a set syllabus and building your class around the syllabus that we set.
If you are not assigned a duty during this period then parents are free to leave AS LONG AS THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY PAPERWORK IS ON FILE. Space is limited and the first spots will go to children who were in this class the previous year, teacher's children, and those participating in multiple HEES cooperative classes and tutorials.
ELEMENTARY (Grades 1-4): Apologia Astronomy
LATE ELEM/ EARLY MIDDLE (Grades 5-8): Masterbooks Life Sciences
MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12): Apologia Biology (you can recieve 1 high school credit for this class)
All of our Geography and History classes will be taught by set teachers. Class size is limited
If you are not assigned a duty during this period then parents are free to leave AS LONG AS THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY PAPERWORK IS ON FILE.. Space is limited and the first spots will go to children who were in this class the previous year, teacher's children, and those participating in multiple HEES cooperative classes and tutorials.
Classes being offered:
Grades 1-4: Elementary USA Geography
Grades 5-7 Trail Guide to US Geography
Grades 7-12: Civil War
If there is enough interest among the membership, we can organize some fun, ecclectic afternoon cooperative classes. The Afternoon Cooperative consist of (4) 6 week sessions of afternoon classes. The classes are parent led/taught and unlike the science and history cooperatives, EACH parent is present and plays a role in making the afternoon cooperative work. There is no dropping your child off for the afternoon coopetative. These classes can be fun in nature or serious and fulfill a core requirement. They can last one session (6 weeks) or multiple sessions. It is dependant on what teachers offer to teach.
Contact if you have any questions or register online.
You must first be a member with our support group before you can participate in any of the co-ops. Fees in additon to your HEES membership will apply to join participate in our Cooperatives and Tutorials.