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The Harbor is a Christian cooperative group that also serves to support home educating families. We provide participation through age appropriate classes, Gathering Time interaction (where multiple age/grade levels gather), field trip opportunities, Mom’s Night Out events, Family Gatherings, and other events.


The leadership of The Harbor is based on a board which consists of three to six members. A current list of the board members is posted on The Harbor website. Weekly group meetings and activities are organized and run by the participating families. All families are required to participate in the yearly planning meetings.


To participate in The Harbor you must have a minimum of one school age child (K through 12) that your family is actively homeschooling. Participation in The Harbor requires members read the “Statement of Faith & Final Authority on Matters of Belief and Conduct” as well as the “Child Protection Policy” located on The Harbor website. 

Participation in The Harbor requires members complete the following items annually: submit an online Participation Agreement Form; complete the online family profile; fill out an online Liability Release Form; and pay membership fees which cover insurance, website, and miscellaneous administrative needs. We also a require Facility Fee which is a required donation in appreciation to the host facility for its use. Amounts are determined by the board annually and posted on the private side of the website. Pro-rated contributions are figured for families joining at a later time. Please contact a board member for financial exceptions as we do not want money to hinder anyone from participating in the Harbor.

Adult participants are required to have a background check completed and on file with The Harbor Board. This background check is a one-time occurrence or at intervals to be determined by the board but not to exceed once every five years. The background check is to be completed through the designated agency The Harbor has contracted with. Participants are financially responsible for the cost of the background check.


General Participation
The Harbor is a cooperative group of volunteers. All participating families are required to contribute to The Harbor by serving in some way, according to how God has made and gifted them. There are times, however, when in order for The Harbor to function, volunteers may need to serve in a variety of areas that may not be their first choice. Areas of participation include teaching or assisting with classes, assisting with set-up/tear down, facility cleaning, helping with administrative duties, organizing supplies, helping with Gathering Time, planning parties, , etc. Volunteer positions are filled out under the family profile and are updated yearly.

Health & Safety Recommendations

  • Sick children and adults should not participate in Harbor group activities.
  • Symptoms within 24 hours of: rash, vomiting, excessively runny nose, diarrhea, etc., should be considered as too sick to participate. As a courtesy to the other families, if you are in doubt, bow out.
  • Stay home when sick until at least 24 hours have passed with no fever or signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
  • Unlocked entrances will be limited to the doors with the Harbor signs.
  • A class teachers and cleaning teams will be responsible for cleaning rooms and general use areas at the end of the day.
  • Precautions for classes and gatherings (including Gathering TIme) will be evaluated and taken as determined necessary.
  • Precautions for food serving will be evaluated and taken as determined necessary.
  • Board members will be continually evaluating community spread of diseases and will take additional precautions as determined necessary.

Attendance Policy
Harbor is not a drop-off program. At least one adult (parent or guardian) must attend Harbor each week with their student(s). Each family should sign-in every week they are present. If your family is planning on missing a week, it is required that the parent/guardian (or student, if in a high school class) notify their instructor(s) prior to the absence. In the case of an unplanned absence, due to illness or emergency, please notify the instructor(s) asap. Parents/guardians that have a specific role/duty at Harbor are responsible to make sure the role/duty is filled in their absence. This may require communicating with fellow instructors and/or the Harbor Board.

Nametag Policy
All adults in the facility should be wearing a nametag at all times during Harbor meetings. If an adult is visiting, please notify one of the Harbor Board members so a nametage can be provided.
Building Policy
Harbor members should treat the facility building with respect and do their best to be good stewards of what we've been entrusted with. Please notify a Harbor board member ASAP to report any issues with the facility (ex.water, electric, something broken). Students are not to go on the stage or stairs, play in the hallways or kitchen. When classes end, no students should be unattended in classrooms. Students must be accompanied by an adult if they go outside.

Harbor members may be in the facility building from 12:30pm-4pm on the Fridays that Harbor meets; unless special arrangements have been made. Classes are from 1pm-2:30pm and Gathering Time is from 2:45-3:30 (at the latest). All Harbor families should exit the facility building at 3:30pm UNLESS they are part of the clean up crew. The facility should be reset and vacated no later than 4pm unless special arrangements have been made.

Attire Expectations
Appropriateness and modesty will characterize the clothing worn by adults and children of the group. All clothing should be honoring to God and the church facility in which we meet. Clothing choices should not be a stumbling block to those we come into contact with. The Bible says that Christians should show love and consideration for their fellow man in all things (Romans 14). Applying this, members will not wear something that would make another participant uncomfortable or that would be distracting to the group events. The application of these principles are evaluated by The Harbor Board. The following dress code expectations should be followed:
  • No spaghetti straps, low cut tops, bare midriffs, see-through materials (without appropriate clothing underneath), or short shorts/skirts (shorts and skirts must extend to the end of your fingertips)
  • No excessively tight fitting shirts or shorts
  • No undergarments should be showing 
  • No clothing with inappropriate messages, slogans, or pictures
  • No shoes with excessive dirt that track debris in the facility
  • Hats will be permitted, provided students remove hats when appropriate (such as during prayers and pledge of allegiance). It is also expected that if a teacher asks a student to remove the hat, the student will do so.

Participants not adhering to these standards will be asked to correct the situation before participating in The Harbor.

Behavioral Expectations
The Harbor strives to provide a safe and edifying environment for families. Harbor families will follow the command in Matthew 7:12 which states, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” Participants, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, will always strive to display the Fruit of the Spirit, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22) as well as honesty, humility, and diligence. Specifically, participants are to at all times treat our host facility with respect, treat teachers with respect, and treat fellow classmates with respect. Participants should act in a way that honors others.

Discipline Policy
Every adult, not just the designated teacher, is expected to intervene if disruptive or disrespectful behavior is observed. All parents are responsible for enforcing The Harbor expectations. Parents are responsible for their children’s actions and behavior. Parents will be contacted if a disciplinary problem arises and may be asked to remove their child from a class or activity.

These guidelines are for handling any disruptive or inappropriate behavior in class:

  • 1st Offense - Speak to the student, asking him or her to please stop the behavior and giving him or her a warning that if he or she does not stop the behavior, appropriate consequences will take place.
  • 2nd Offense - Remind the student to stop the behavior. Enforce appropriate consequences.
  • 3rd Offense - Remove the student from class and escort them to the parent or The Harbor board members.
  • If a student’s behavior is excessively rude, disrespectful, aggressive, or dishonest (i.e. cheating) steps 1 and 2 should be skipped and step 3 should be taken immediately. If a student’s behavior continues during the semester, they may be asked not to return to The Harbor.

For interpersonal situations involving adults in the group, it is recommended that adults work through problems using the Matthew 18:15-17 model. For matters involving children, it is recommended that the involved parents work through the situation with their children. The purpose and goal should be to rescue from wrongdoing and to seek reconciliation.