AIM: Academic Individuals with a Mission “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”  B.B. King Check our Calendar for Events. Intelligence plus character -that is the goal of true education. -M.L. King Jr. Plan a playdate with a new family, check the Membership Directory for family info! Go Outside and Explore!

AIM Homeschool Cooperative 

 Academic Individuals with a Mission 

Cooperative Teaching to Prepare the Next Generation

Welcome! Whether you are new to home schooling or a seasoned veteran, AIM Home School Cooperative is here to support you as you educate your child(ren). Feel free to check out the information below and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at 

About Us

AIM Home School Cooperative 

(formerly Indian Hill Home School Group)

AIM was created over 20 years ago to fill a gap in the local home schooling community. At the time, cooperative high school level classes were few. Over the years, we have added cooperative junior high, elementary, and even preschool level classes to our co-op offerings. 

We are a group that holds to a Christian worldview and our classes are taught from that worldview. We do believe that our common faith in Jesus Christ unifies us and that lesser doctrinal differences which may exist should not hinder the cooperation of Christian home educators.

Registration 2022 - 2023

Registration for 2023-2024 is closed.

If you would like to be notified of class offerings and registration for the 2024-2025 school year please email us at

Inquiries received before 3/15/24 will be notified of the New Family meeting date.  This mandatory meeting will be held in April 2024 (specific date TBD) and is required in order to be eligible to register for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Inquiries received after 3/25/24 will be placed on a list for notification of meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year.

Good To Know

Illinois Homeschool Law
Are you considering homeschooling your child? You can do it! As you get started, it’s important to make sure you comply with the education laws where you live. This page helps you understand how to homeschool legally in Illinois—step by step.

Good To Know

Illinois Christian Home Educators
Illinois Christian Home Educators is a not-for-profit Christian organization composed of families dedicated to the success of home education in Illinois. ICHE was started in December of 1983 by four Christian families seeking the support and fellowship of like-minded home educators. They decided to form ICHE for the purpose of encouraging the formation of distinctly Christian support groups, compiling information to help form such groups, and making the information available to support group leaders. ICHE is governed by a Board of Directors and is not a membership organization. ICHE is largely staffed by volunteer home educating families. Its affiliation with Christian support groups is informal and at no cost to these groups. Its annual operating budget is met through the monies received for various publications, books and conferences each year.

Good To Know

Common Core
ABOUT THE FILM "Building the Machine" introduces the public to the Common Core States Standards Initiative (CCSSI) and its effects on our children's education. The documentary compiles interviews from leading educational experts, including members of the Common Core Validation Committee. Parents, officials, and the American public should be involved in this national decision regardless of their political persuasion. WHAT IS THE COMMON CORE? The Common Core is the largest systemic reform of American public education in recent history. What started as a collaboration between the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to reevaluate and nationalize America's education standards has become one of the most controversial—and yet, unheard of—issues in the American public. In 2010, 45 states adopted the Common Core, but according to a May 2013 Gallup Poll, 62% of Americans said they had never heard of the Common Core. Prominent groups and public figures have broken traditional party lines over the issue, leaving many wondering where they should stand. Find out more about the Common Core: