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About CLEARwater Co-ops of Muskegon and White Lake

CLEARwater Muskegon Co-op (MCO) meets at First Baptist Church (1070 Quarterline, Muskegon. South of Apple ave) on Friday mornings at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 class times.  MCO offers a weekly morning co-op of classes for K-12th grade, along with preschool and nursery for younger siblings. Our classes range from academic to extracurricular, with everything in between.  All classes run for 10 weeks in each session, with two sessions each year: Fall and Winter. We offer play dates, parties, Mom's Night Out, field trips, and more for our members. Currently, we have a waitlist for classes in Muskegon. You may still join and participate in the extra activities and wait for an opening for Friday classes.

  • CO-OP registration is open to all LMHSC, Inc., enrollees.  At least one child must be registered in the kindergarten (must be 5 by September 1 of the current school year) through 12th grade classes.

  • If you are not a current LMHSC, Inc. enrollee, an application, background check and enrollment fee must be submitted.  Click the Join button and follow the instructions to complete the membership applications. Please allow at least two weeks for new enrollment application processing. Cost is a one time fee of $50. Muskegon currently has a waitlist so you can skip payment until you are notified that there is room. 

  • Family session fees for CLASSES: 1 child enrolled - $35; 2-4 children enrolled - $55; 5 or more children enrolled - $65. Material fees (workbooks, special craft items, art supplies, etc) are an additional fee, and are listed in the class description. The fee is per family not per child. Material fees and administrative fees are due the 1st day of classes.

  • We are not a drop off co op. We are parent lead and run and therefore expect one parent to attend on Friday's with the children and volunteer in some way. Parents will be assigned to assist in classrooms and help clean at the end of the day. 

  • Parent's will be assigned tasks.  Every effort will be made to accommodate your needs.  If you would prefer to volunteer in your child's class or your child has needs we should know about  please contact a.bouwkamp@yahoo.com Once classes begin tasks will only be changed if you are physically unable to do the assigned task.

  • Session Balance, Material fees, & administrative fees are due the first day of classes.

  •  A $10 late fee will be assessed on ALL fees not paid on first day of classes. 

  • Your LMHSC  account must be current to register for classes.

CLEARwater White Lake meets on Thursday Mornings at New Era Bible Church 5308 S. Oceana Dr., New Era. This co-op runs similar to muskegon. Please call 231-412-7889 with questions about this co-op.