Welcome new families!! We look forward to meeting you ...with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.  Matthew 19:26 Share your CHEA event photos!! Upload them in the Photo Gallery

Membership Information

Membership Information

To become a member of the Catoosa Home Education Association (CHEA), please read the instructions below and complete each of the three steps.  Please note:  Each step must be completed for you to become a member and to have access to the CHEA web site.  Current renewing members must complete steps 2 and 3 only.


Step 1:  Fill out the information on the Request Membership link to gain access to the website. 

If the link in Step 1 does not work, you can access the Request Membership page by selecting the icon at the top of the page.  It will look like a person with a plus sign next to it.   

Renewing members do not need to complete this step since they currently have access to the CHEA website.


Step 2:  Fill out and submit the Membership Registration Form located under the Homeschooling Info drop-down menu item.  Please note that by submitting the Membership Registration Form you are sending your electronic signature which is required to join our group.


Step 3:  Thank you for your membership submission to CHEA!  You can either pay using Paypal or send a check. 

If writing a checkplease make your check payable to CHEA and mail it to:


P.O. BOX 985

Ringgold, GA  30736


To pay with Paypal: Logon to Paypal and pay cheatreas@gmail.com     


Membership Cost

Catoosa Home Education Association
Membership Registration for August 1- July 31 of current school year. (This means the year the student(s) are going into)

Half Year Membership for January 1- July 31 (this option closes on May 31st) - $22.50

Note:  Please indicate the committee you were a member of on your membership renewal check or on the Paypal Memo section to receive a discount.  Please contact a board member if you are unsure if you qualify for the event coordinator discount.

Membership Information:  

  • All memberships expire on July 31st.  
  • Membership Parked:  Logon will not be permitted for any member who has not renewed by August 1. 

Membership Cost:  

  • New Member - $45.00  
  • Renewing Member - Early renewal is from June 1st - July 31st and will receive the following discounts:
    • If you coordinated an event for the previous school year:   
      • Renewing Committee Member - If you have lead at least one event and helped with one event (or co-lead 2 events): $20 through July 31st ($25 after July 31st)
      • Renewing Committee Member - If you have been an active committee member and helped with at least one event: $30 through July 31st ($35 after July 31st)
    • If you were NOT an active member in a committee, nor helped in any events for the current school year:  $40 through July 31st ($45 after July 31st) 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of the following people:

  • CHEA Representative at catoosahea@yahoo.com
  • Melissa Bode at allthangs@gmail.com - Website Coordinator
  • Julie Chamberlin at julzbug@gmail.com - Website Assistant



Print your membership card directly from the website.  The membership cards for the new year will be available after August 1.  To print your card, select "Membership Card" from the Forms drop-down menu item at the top of the page. Directory Updates can be viewed from the "Families" page located under the CHEA drop-down menu item.    



  • Online directory of members
  • Membership card which can be used for educator discounts at local merchants
  • Admission to members-only CHEA parties and certain field trips
  • Discount on field trips open to non-members
  • Discount on HSLDA membership
  • Member preference for limited class size events.  Many of our activities are for members only!
  • Access to the members-only section of the website.  This will allow you to look at the member directory, post classifieds, create your own families web page, post in the discussion forum, check and print the calendar for field trips and events listed, and more
  • Receive weekly emails on changes that have been made on the website
  • Support area homeschoolers - Thank you, members!