Bellevue Area Christian Homeschool Group


Membership is open to homeschooling families who are educating at least one child as well as veteran homeschoolers. Member families must register, and provide a signed and notarized liability release.  We ask that new members join at one of our monthly meetings.  Families with compulsory-aged children must be compliant with homeschool laws in the state of Nebraska or Iowa.  

What we expect of our members:

  • In order for BACH to operate smoothly, we depend on an administrative board and committees to make this an active group.  We ask that each member participate on a committee.  Committees include: Parties, Field Trips, Library, BACH Swap, Teens and more.  The time commitment on each committee is minimal because when everyone pitches in to share the work, we are able to provide many wonderful homeschooling opportunities without placing a heavy burden on any one family.
  • All families involved in BACH activities are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects honor upon the Lord, themselves, their family, their church, and homeschooling.  These behavior standards will apply to all BACH sponsored activities, including co-ops, social activities, field trips, etc.
  • Even as Christians, there can be differences in beliefs and/or doctrines within the Church as a whole.  BACH has member families from a variety of denominations and backgrounds.  We ask that you please respect the beliefs and opinions of other BACH families.  We ask that parents use discretion when discussing topics that might be contrary to another parent's authority or belief system.

A detailed explanation of our policies and procedures can be found in the BACH Family Handbook (available on request).

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