student hot glues a crystal to a staff, table top game, backlit biology experiment, students stands holding a foil, FPV goggles, transmitter and tiny whoop drone, cooking utensils, student's handing w Score and rehearsal for Babes in Toyland during the Spring 2019 semester a whisk in a bowl of frothed liquid from How to Boil Water during Spring 2019 semester two PHS students practice Ballroom Dance during Spring 2019 Semester money and worksheets from Japanese during Spring 2021 semester fencing gear including foil, glove, and helmet sit on the floor next a PHS student during a spring 2019

Lukas Brasherfons To All Instructors

Lukas Brasherfons is a director/dramaturg based in Minneapolis. With Shakespearean Youth Theatre, he has directed As You Like It, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, as well as the Dream Project audio dramas of Romeo and Juliet, Troilus and Cressida, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. His dramaturgical endeavors include work with American Players Theatre, Writers Theatre, the Iowa New Play Festival, the Den Theatre, Mary-Arrchie Theatre Co, Next Theatre, Raven Theatre, Mercury Players, Broom Street Theater, Chicago Dramatists, and Northlight Theatre. Lukas has a BFA in Acting with a minor in Stage Combat from Columbia College Chicago, as well as an MFA in Dramaturgy from the Iowa Playwrights Workshop.

Shakespearean Youth Theatre, 2300 Myrtle Ave, Suite 240, Saint Paul, MN 55114

Current Classes
Reimagining the Sonnets with Shakespearean Youth Theater – Instructor (closed)