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Request Membership in E.X.E.L. Co-op
Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.
Thank you for your request to join E.X.E.L Co-op. A board member will be contacting you soon!
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Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png
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Classifieds Emails:
After your registration is approved you will need to pay your Family registration fees.
Registration fee is $40.00 per student with a $120 cap (maximum) per family, per semester. Additional charges include a once per year $20 special events fee (for welcome social and end-of-semester events. Also, adults that attend more than twice are required to have and pay for a background check. If residing in Texas for the past 7 years, the cost is $9
You will be given instructions regarding payment of registration and class fees in a separate communication.
Payment Options