Credo Academy Credo Academy

The plan of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:11


Is Credo right for your family?

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  • Glorifying Christ in all endeavors in our homes, communities, churches, and education.
  • Empowering families to continue home schooling through high school.
  • Using the power of outside teachers and peers to energize students to excellence in their high school education.
  • Pooling parents’ resources to give students the joy of learning from passionate teachers who love Christ Jesus.
  • Developing a Christian learning environment that challenges students with rigorous academics.


  • Students who are committed to seeking excellence in their scholastic pursuits and striving to develop a strong Christian character.
  • A group of Christian homeschool families who are committed to homeschooling their young people through high school. We desire to meet the educational needs of the whole family by offering classes for 9th-12th grade for our highschoolers, 6th-8th  grade to prepare students for the rigors of high school, and elementary level classes for the siblings of our junior and senior high students. 5th grade or 10 years old is the minimum age to begin attending regular classes at Credo, and then siblings 1st-4th are welcome to take classes once their older sibling begins.
  • Parents who are still actively involved in their child’s education at home, and at Credo through volunteering.
  • Instructors who are accomplished in their field, teaching from their educational strengths, dedicated to teaching from a Christian worldview, professional experience, and dedicated passion. 
  • An enrichment program designed to provide parents the ability to select particular courses to supplement a student’s education already being done in the home, without compromising their Christian worldview or values.
  • Partners with parents for junior high and high school, rather than replacing them.
  • Striving to provide classes that may be difficult to do at home or are more conducive to group classes.
  • Offering a transition for students to be accountable to an outside adult regarding academic expectations and deadlines.
  • Committed to ensuring that there is always a private, Christian educational alternative of excellence.



Reach out to us at to ask questions, schedule a visitiation day, or set up a new family interview.