Credo Academy Credo Academy

The plan of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:11


Want to join Credo Academy?


For Prospective Families, please realize joining the Credo family is a process. Our community is worth it!

1. For fall semster acceptance: Attend the new family meeting in the spring to learn more information about Credo Academy and sign up for a new family Interview. Please see the public calendar for the new family meeting date and designated new family interview dates. Please come prepared to sign up for a specific interview time slot. We will not accept new family late registrations or do interviews other than on the designated new family interview dates. If you happen to look into Credo Academy after the spring information meeting and interviews, please reach out to us to see if there are other interview dates before classes start in the fall. 

For spring semester acceptance: Please see the public calendar on our website for the new family interview date early November. Reach out to us to schedule your new family interview and for information about a new family meeting. 

2. Complete the documents found on our website under "New Family Interview Forms," and watch the videos sent by our correspondence coordinator. 

3. At least one parent and each potential student must attend the New Family Interview at the scheduled time. Bring in the completed the forms as outlined by the Interview Checklist form, found in the same place as all the other registration forms. Incomplete paper work (no picture on the medical form, lack of appropriate signature, no payment, etc.) can result in your family missing out on the opportunity to attend Credo Academy. Please come to the interview prepared.

4. Students are not officially accepted until after the interview process has been completed and families have been approved. All families will be notified one week after the interview of the acceptance decision. Please note: Existing Credo families have priority on registration and some classes may fill before accepted new families register.

5. Attend the parent meeting at the beginning of the Fall/Spring semester.

6. We require parents to volunteer during the school year. Credo Academy functions with each family, who becomes a part of the team, to provide a positive, successful homeschool community. Please review the Volunteer Job Descriptions in the attachment below, choose several where you can serve Credo Academy, and include them in the appropriate section of the Student Application form.