Welcome to the Biltmore Church Homeschool Ministry Now accepting new members, click the Join tab in the upper right corner to start! Have a great summer!

Ministry Handbook

“My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding...” Proverbs 2:1-6 


Dear Members, 

Welcome to the Biltmore Church Homeschool Ministry. A wonderful group of roughly 200 families thrives here at Biltmore Church. Some families have five or more children and others have only one child; some have been homeschooling for many years and others have just begun. 

Our purpose and desire is to provide loving encouragement, quality enrichment, and social interaction for students as well as essential support for parents as they develop their children to Christ-like character; enabling them to stand firm in their belief in the teaching of the Bible as the complete and inerrant Word of God, thereby equipping them to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. 

This handbook has been created to provide you with information about the homeschool ministry opportunities here at Biltmore Church and to provide details and policies for our group concerning Enrichment Classes. Please read through this information with your child or children, so that your family is familiar with the guidelines and expectations of our ministry. 

God has laid it on each of our hearts to educate our children and we look forward to coming alongside you in this most wonderful task. We want you to have the BEST homeschool experience possible. 

Serving Him,

The Biltmore Homeschool Ministry Team 


Biltmore Homeschool Ministry Opportunities 

Our ministry offers many opportunities throughout the year to enrich your homeschool experience and to help strengthen the bond with other homeschool families. The Biltmore Homeschool Leadership Team is a volunteer group of parents who seek to serve the homeschool community. If you contact us, we will try to respond in a timely manner, but please understand that we do not keep office hours. We typically respond to emails Monday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

In case of an emergency you can contact Angela Parker at 828-329-1434


Email Loop 

Our group email, homeschool@biltmorechurch.com keeps members up to date on enrichment class information, homeschool items of interest, and various upcoming homeschool events. We also have a private group on Facebook that you can join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/414276702587638/.



Visit https://www.homeschool-life.com/1894/index_public?Logout=1 where you can download information about classes, and calendars,  in addition to general information about our group. 


Field Trips 

We offer monthly, age-appropriate field trips. Field trips have included: behind-the-scenes tours, dairy farms, nature preserves, and hikes. Field trips serve to broaden the student's academic experience. Our group also plans activities that are catered to certain age groups/grade levels to foster relationships within the students' own age group. 


Service Projects 

Hands-on mission opportunities are available. Some of the things we have participated in are: helping at Manna Food Bank, making boxes for Operation Christmas Child, visiting the elderly, and collecting items for the Soldier Care Ministry. We welcome our families to share service projects and mission opportunities with our ministry.


Enrichment Classes 

The homeschool ministry offers an assortment of Enrichment Classes on Thursday mornings during the school year. For the younger grades (PreK-5), four class periods are offered, each lasting one hour. Younger grade classes have included: Creative Writing, Science, Art, Health, Grammar and much more. For the older grades (6 -12) there are three class periods, each lasting 1 1⁄2 hours. Older grade classes have included: Math, Biology, Spanish, Government, Art and History. Classes vary year to year based on interest and teacher availability. See our website for our up-to-date list of classes. 


Mom's Night Out 

Moms have their special time too! A Mom’s Night Out is held one Monday evening a month. We meet at various local restaurants. This time together allows us to encourage and edify each other as fellow homeschool moms and teachers. 


Mugs ‘n Muffins 

Mugs ‘n Muffins meets on the third Thursday of the month. This allows moms to run by for a cup of coffee after dropping the kids safely in their classes. One of the most valuable advantages of being part of our group is developing a community with others who homeschool. This is a great way to share your triumphs in your journey as well as get advice from others who are walking the same path. You can bring your own mug or use one of ours! 


Pizza Day 

 On the last Thursday of the month, we have pizza day after classes are over. It is a great opportunity for the students to enjoy each other outside of their classes. Pizza must be pre-ordered and include a drink. We look forward to seeing you there. This is open to anyone in the group. 


Paid Positions 

Our ministry has several ways in which a person can be paid as part of our team. The first is through being a teacher in our ministry. 

We also look for approximately 8-10 people each year to hire for K-5 teacher assistants. 

Lastly, we are always looking for 6-10 people who wish to be on a schedule to serve as substitute teachers. Pay for a substitute is the amount of money that the teacher would have been paid had they been able to teach that day. 

If any of these positions are of interest to you, please contact us at homeschool@biltmorechurch.com. 


Enrichment Class Registration Policies 

Enrichment classes are an exciting way to enhance your student’s education. We are not a school, and therefore we strive to supplement your child’s education, not to provide a complete curriculum for any subject. 

•   PreK-5 Classes run for 24 weeks and the 6-12 grade classes run for 32 weeks. 

•   Children in PreK-5th classes must be enrolled in appropriate classes for their traditional age/grade level. Consideration will be taken for middle school and high school students who are academically advanced and would like to enroll in a higher-level course. A struggling learner may be placed in a lower-level class. A child must reach his/her 5th birthday by August 31 to participate in a K-1 class. 

•   In classes where grades are assigned by your child’s teacher it is only a suggestion. As the parent, you have the right to decide to keep that grade or give another. These classes are supplemental to what is being taught in the home and are meant for enrichment purposes only. The classes will not complete any curriculum, only enhance them. 

•   The instructors do not teach the entire subject matter but are only enriching and assisting your instruction at home. Biltmore Homeschool does not award credit toward high school graduation requirements or keep transcripts, although parents may use class time toward fulfilling some requirements in a given subject, according to the parent’s own discretion. 

•   Enrichment Classes are each subject to a minimum and maximum number of students. 

•   A class may be canceled due to low enrollment. If a class is canceled, you and your child will have the opportunity to choose another class or have your money refunded to you. 

•   Under special circumstances students may switch classes with permission from the teacher and director before the 2nd day of classes begins (see fees below). 

•   Parents must notify the Biltmore Homeschool Team, not the teacher, prior to dropping a class. The Team will notify the teacher that your child has withdrawn from class.



•   A non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of Enrichment Class registration. This fee is for expenses required to operate the program (copies, postage, office supplies, etc.). 

•   Half of the total enrollment tuition is due the day of class sign-ups in the Spring. 

•   The Biltmore Homeschool ministry team is a volunteer leadership team that makes every effort to keep the cost of enrichment classes to a minimum. Each year class offerings are constructed based on perceived interest and teachers are recruited based on these projections. Large numbers of last-minute classes being dropped result in a shortfall of funds for teacher compensation. Leadership is faced with two options: raise rates to cover dropped classes or move back the add/drop dates/payment deadlines. Rather than penalize the majority, leadership has opted to keep lower rates and move back the payment date. Classes will be closed as of July 15th with that as the last day for payment, changes, and/or reimbursements for dropped classes. 

•   In special cases we will allow you to switch classes after the drop deadline of July 15th; however; there will be a $50 charge plus any material fees for the new class.



A snack cart is available each Thursday morning with a variety of foods and drinks for 75¢ each. Coffee is available for parents, teachers, and volunteers. Please make sure that your child brings either a snack from home or the appropriate change for the snack cart. We are a peanut free campus. 


Visiting Classes

Parents are welcome to visit classes on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings. If you would like to sit in on a class, please make arrangements with the Director in advance.  homeschool@biltmorechurch.com


Enrichment Class Behavior Policy 

In order for the Enrichment Classes to run smoothly, these policies and procedures have been established. Please make sure that you and your student are familiar with these guidelines. Thank You! 

Students are expected to:

•   Be on time for class. 

•   Use respectful and polite language and abstain from any profanity. 

Wear appropriate shoe options, no heelies or wheeled shoes are allowed on class days

•   Treat others with Christ-like kindness; keeping hands and feet to one's self. 

•   Leave weapons, including pocketknives, air guns, etc. at home. 

•   Remain in class unless permission from the teacher is obtained to leave. Students may not roam the building or property during class hours. Students with time between classes should remain in the homeschool welcome center lobby until they are picked up. 

•   Eat only at the appropriate times and places. 

•   Refrain from the use of cell phones or other electronic devices during classes. 

•   Clothing must be modest, clean, and neat. Appropriate dress for P.E. is fingertip-length shorts that are not body-conforming, along with loose-fitting t-shirts. Please do not wear tank tops, strap tops, halter tops, "muscle" shirts, etc., or any short, body-conforming shirts. A blouse or dress will be considered as having a strap top if the shoulders are less than 3" wide. Midriff (short) blouses may not be worn. Necklines must be modest. Pants or shorts must be worn at or near the waistline and not be tight-fitting. Any shorts, skirts, or dresses worn should be at least finger-tip length. Unusual attire associated with immoral or improper ideas is unacceptable. Symbols or logos that communicate anti-Christian messages are unacceptable on clothing, jewelry, and other accessories. While we realize that a person's attire is not indicative of their spiritual worthiness, God's Word does give us standards of both dress and conduct (1 Tim. 2:9; 4:8, 12, 15-16; I Peter 2:12, 3:3-4). 

•   Refrain from boyfriend/girlfriend PDA (public display of affection) such as holding hands, male/female hugging, etc. 

•   Complete all class reading and work prior to class time. K-5th grade students must demonstrate the ability to perform at grade level and fully participate in the class. Due to most courses maintaining a wait list, consistent failure to fully participate in the class by completing homework assignments or engaging with other students and the instructor during class time will result in forfeiture of the student’s space in class without reimbursement of any fees. 

•   Contact your teacher to make up any assignments missed due to an absence. 

•   Provide reimbursement for any damage done to the facility or equipment. 

•   Be escorted to their first class and from their last class by an adult (Kindergarteners through fifth graders). Do not drop off K-5 grades in the parking lot to walk in unescorted. Older students may walk in unescorted but must remain in the lobby until picked up by a parent. If any of these guidelines are not followed, specific consequences will be administered depending on which expectation is not met. This includes but is not limited to, a call between the ministry leadership team and the parents, an in-person meeting between the parents and church leaders, removal from a class, or in an ongoing case, or cases revolving around weapons, even toy weapons, suspension from classes for a set amount of time. Please contact the leadership team if you have any questions about this.

Biltmore Church Activities- Biltmore Church offers many opportunities for all ages. Many of the activities provide a wonderful addition to your home education and family’s activities. The church website (www.biltmorechurch.com) is a great place to find a comprehensive list of ministries. On Sunday mornings, the Welcome Center offers brochures regarding specific ministries. Here are a few Biltmore Church ministries that our families find of interest. 

Kids’ Groups/ Student Groups 

Biltmore Church also provides opportunities for spiritual growth and socialization with other children through Biltmore Kids and the Student Ministry. Please browse our Biltmore Church website to find out more about our church-wide ministries. 




All Biltmore Church Ministry contacts may be reached through the church office at (828) 687-1111. 

Family Service Requirements 

Volunteers are a very important part of our program. In order to make our program the best it can possibly be, a parent from each family is required to serve three times during the Enrichment Class year in one or more of the categories below. If for some reason you cannot serve the day that you signed up for, it is your (the parent’s) responsibility to find a replacement. 

If you do not meet these service requirements during the current class year, your family will not be allowed to register for the next year. 

Service Opportunities: 

•   Class Day Volunteer

•   Field Trips 

•   Pizza Day 

•   Mugs ‘n Muffins Hostess 

•   Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 

•   Kick-off party 

•   End of year party 

•   Graduation 

Should you have questions regarding your service duties please see the volunteer coordinator or email homeschool@biltmorechurch.com Thanks for your willingness to help out!!!


Study Hall Requirements

All participants of Biltmore Homeschool’s Enrichment Classes must read and sign a document in acknowledgment of the automatic enrollment policy outlined below regardless of whether a student is registered for Study Hall as a part of his/her regular Tuesday or Wednesday morning schedule or not. 

GENERAL GUIDELINES Due to past issues with unsupervised students roaming the halls of the church campus, safety issues, and hallway noise prior to class changes, Biltmore Homeschool must enforce these rules. Biltmore Homeschool is not responsible for children when they are not in classes. Therefore, if a child is not enrolled in a class during any time between 8:30 AM and 1:15 PM on Thursday, they must either: 

1. Be with their parent/guardian at ALL times. 

2. Be enrolled in Biltmore Homeschool’s adult-supervised STUDY HALL. 

3. Be off campus until 15 minutes prior to his/her class starting. 

4. Sit in a parent’s class if that parent is an Enrichment Class teacher, but may not be anywhere else without that parent/ teacher. 



If a child is found to be on campus during Enrichment Classes and not in class or under adult supervision, he/she will be automatically enrolled in Study Hall and the parent will be immediately billed for the full year’s fee. 



Study Hall will be provided during classes and the fees that will be charged can be found on the current year’s registration forms. 



 Students should bring something to read or work on during Study Hall. They will be expected to work quietly during this time. The same rules that apply to classes will apply to Study Hall.