This form is to completed by every HFH family, before the beginning of each new school year. The deadline for submission of this form will alway coincide with the deadline for annual dues submission.
Basic Information
If your contact information has changed since your last membership renewal (address, email, phone, etc.), it is critically important that you update this information in our database. Do this by clicking on the "profile" link/icon at the very top-right of the HFH web page.
Likewise, if your family has increased in number since last year, you should update your family entry by clicking on the "profile" link/icon at the top-right of the page. You will find that any children not listed in your family profile will not show up on the semesterly Enrichment Activity enrollment form–leaving you unable to enroll them in any desired classes. Please help us to help you by keeping your family data updated.
You can also update your parish affiliation, your business information, your membership status, and any other pertinent info from this link as well.
Please keep your profile information current throughout the year, especially your contact info.
3. * |
HFH families qualify for membership in one of the following ways:
- STANDARD FAMILY: Most of our members fall into this category
- Active Homeschoolers Filing PI-1206: Active homeschoolers, currently filing PI-1206 (required by the state of Wisconsin) for at least one child in our family.
- Planning to Homeschool and File PI-1206: Our children are still young, but we are planning to homeschool and file PI-1206 when our children reach school age. Or, we are seriously considering homeschooling and hope to begin homeschooling (filing PI-1206) within the next year or so.
- An HFH Alumni Family is one that is not currently homeschooling with HFH, but has at least one child who has spent all of their high school years as an HFH member.
- Alumni Families should only use this new member form (rather than the Membership Renewal Form) if they have taken a hiatus from HFH membership and are not current members.
- An HFH Core Family is one who, while not currently homeschooling, has been an HFH member family for at least 8 years at some time in the past.
- Core Families should only use this new member form (rather than the Membership Renewal Form) if they have taken a hiatus from HFH membership and are not current members.
- HONORARY MEMBER: This category provides courtesy membership to:
- Enrichment Activity teachers who are not homeschooling parents, during any semester in which they are teaching.
Please choose from below the category into which your family fits.
IMPORTANT: If this status has changed since last year, please take the additional step of updating your family profile (link at the top-right of the HFH home page) to reflect your new membership status. This second step is very important to ensure proper dues invoicing. |
In keeping with our mission...
The following questions must be answered by all members, including current members who are merely renewing membership with HFH.
4. * |
Our children are being raised Catholic. (1 required) |
If your answer to the question above would be "no," we regret that you do not satisfy eligibility requirements for Holy Family Homeschoolers.
5. * |
My family follows the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and its precepts, and my family will respect the Catholic homeschooling mission of HFH. |
7. * |
We are Catholic homeschoolers currently filing PI-1206 for at least one member of our family. (1 required) |
8. * |
We are planning to homeschool and file PI-1206 in the near future. (1 required) |
9. * |
HFH Code of Conduct:
Respectful language and behavior must be used at all HFH-sponsored events. Inappropriate language or behavior is impermissible.
No pairing-off is allowed at HFH or HFH-sponsored events.
Flirting, hand-holding, and other public displays of affection are not allowed at HFH-sponsored events. We want to encourage all students to develop healthy and Godly relationships one with another. Friendships without the pressures of dating are a valuable part of the teen years.
Immediate expulsion may result in the event a student exhibits any of the following behaviors:
drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or weapons on premises
unwanted touching
sexual harassment (verbal or physical)
If an HFH member witnesses any of the above behavior, it should be brought to the attention of one of the steering committee members or event chaperones immediately.
(1 required) |
10. * |
HFH Guest Policy:
HFH events and activities are, by default, open only to HFH members. Unauthorized guests are not permitted at HFH events and activities.*
HFH members are defined as the parents or guardians and all children within the immediate member family.
HFH members also include grandparents and great grandparents of HFH member students.
Members may submit a request to the HFH Steering Committee regarding the presence of a guest at an HFH activity. This request may or may not be granted, at the sole discretion of the HFH Steering Committee.
If the Steering Committee authorizes a guest's attendance, that guest must wear a name tag at all times, and the teachers/coordinators of the event will be notified in advance of the guest's attendance.
Authorized guests who are high school age or younger must be under the direct supervision of the inviting adult HFH member at all times.
*Audience-type events are open to guests without any authorization needed. For example, guests are warmly welcome in the audience at HFH drama and music events, so long as the guests are courteous and respectful to HFH members and the mission of HFH. (1 required) |
11. * |
Dress Code Policy:
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and our clothing must reflect that reality.
Our dress code for HFH events and activities is as follows:
- No low necklines
- No spaghetti straps
- No strapless tops
- No crop tops showing mid-section.
- No beach wear (except at beach or pool events)
- No excessively tight clothing
- No t-shirts with inappropriate images or words
- No low-riding, baggy pants
- No jeans, pants, shorts with holes above the knees
- No leggings worn as pants
Thank you for your compliance. (1 required) |
12. * |
HFH Posting Policy:
The HFH forum is a wonderful place to exchange information and obtain ideas about homeschooling and about our Catholic Faith. However, we do have some important posting policies that we expect all members to follow:
- Generally speaking, HFH posts may not be forwarded outside of HFH.
This policy exists to ensure the safety of our children at HFH events and activities and to respect the privacy of our posters. Exceptions exist, such as when a poster requests the circulation of a special request, etc. What we want to avoid is the broadcasting of our event times and locations to persons outside HFH, while also ensuring the privacy of our members.
- HFH posts may not include the marketing of non-homeschooling K-12 educational choices.
For example, posts advertising open houses or shadow days at schools are not permitted in this forum. This policy exists out of respect for our members who consider HFH a haven of homeschooling support free from pressure to make alternate educational arrangements.
- HFH posts that involve self-promotion of personal/family businesses must be posted on appropriate sub-forums.
Although the general rule is that business self-promotion is not permitted on the HFH forum, we make an exception to allow this on the "Steals and Deals" and "Helped-Wanted/Services-Available" sub-forums. This policy exists in order to reduce the number of HFH emails for those who do not wish to subscribe to these sorts of sub-forums.
- HFH posts may not include blatant politicking.
Posts reminding members to vote, posts asking for a recommendation on a candidate (and requesting private responses), and posts encouraging pro-life activism are all examples of permissible HFH posts. A post recommending a particular candidate or asking members to sign a petition supporting or recalling a particular candidate or politician is not acceptable. Please use good judgment in this area.
- HFH posters are encouraged to tread lightly in the area of hot-button topics (example: vaccinations).
Posters must be prepared to end the conversation promptly if HFH leaders deem the conversation becoming contentious. Please use good judgment in this sticky area.
Thank you in advance for helping to make the HFH Forum a useful and efficient place for all our members to exchange relevant information. (1 required) |
Enrichment Registration Priority
Given the fact that we have enrichment activity caps, we offer early enrichment activity registration to active HFH families who have volunteered two or more credits of time during the most recent academic year.
A "credit" consists of one volunteer position or offering. For example, a credit could be teaching an HFH class, leading an HFH workshop, assisting as an HFH teacher's aide, planning an HFH field trip, hosting an HFH party, organizing an HFH event, serving as HFH sacristan, etc.
If class registration numbers are large and class caps are met in any given semester, enrichment activity registration preference will be given to those families where one of more of the adults take this kind of active role in HFH.
Please check the box below if you (or your spouse) qualify.
13. |
I qualify for early registration based on my two or more volunteer credits. (If you mark this box "yes," please list below the volunteer credits which you believe qualify you for early registration.) |
14. |
Please list your volunteer credits from the past academic year in this space. |
Volunteering in the Upcoming Academic Year:
We ask that all members volunteer a little time to support our group. Our group runs most smoothly when we all work together.
Volunteer opportunities will be posted to the HFH forum regularly throughout the year. Some volunteer opportunities are also listed below. Two volunteer credits earned in this academic year makes you eligible for early Enrichment Activity registration in the following year.
Thank you in advance for your dedication to HFH.
15. |
I can organize a field trip in the following month(s). (A field trip organizer plans a field trip, invites families via the HFH forum, and does any follow-up necessary to ensure a smooth-running field trip.) |
17. |
I would like to teach a class, organize a club, or provide an activity or event not mentioned above. Stand-alone activities organized by parents have included International Night, modesty workshops, Little Flowers girls club, Battle of the Books, and more. We welcome your ideas and enthusiasm.
Consider also your relatives, friends, and neighbors who might be interested in offering something for our children. |
18. * |
I understand that participation in any activity confers risk. I will not hold HFH, its members, volunteers, or teachers liable for any accident or injury which may occur at an HFH event, class, or gathering. Likewise, I will not hold HFH, its members, volunteers, or teachers liable for any illness that may be transmitted at an HFH event, class, or gathering. (1 required) |
Thank you so much for completing our annual Membership Agreement and Volunteerism Form. We are blessed by your involvement in Holy Family Homeschoolers. We hope that Holy Family Homeschoolers blesses your family with faithful Catholic friendships and support in the day-to-day and year-to-year adventure of homeschooling.