St. John Bosco Co-op St. John Bosco Co-op St. John Bosco Co-op St. John Bosco Co-op St. John Bosco Co-op St. John Bosco Co-op

Dress Code


We will be using the dress code guidelines of the Catholic Church. As an easy guide:

      1.   Clothing must be modest.

      2.   Please do not wear spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, or any short, tight fitting, or midriff shirts. 

      3.   Necklines must be modest and any skirts or dresses must be at least knee length.

      4.   Shorts must be as long or longer as the person's fingertips when their arms are placed down at their sides.

      5.   Unusual attire associated with immoral or improper ideas or with an anti-Christian message should not be worn.

      6.    If you aren’t sure something is appropriate to wear, please don’t wear it.

      7.   Make sure to practice good personal hygiene so that you are not a distraction to others sitting close to you.



Choice of dress should mirror that of what would be considered appropriate for daily mass as a general rule of thumb.