Bylaws of Henderson County Homeschool Association
Articles of Organization
Board of Directors
Group Functioning
Extra Curricular Classes
Teen Life
Amendment of Bylaws
Article I – Name
The name of this association shall be Henderson County Homeschool Association (HCHA), unincorporated.
Article II – Purpose
- To represent the homeschool community in a manner that honors Jesus Christ.
- To keep the group informed of any pertinent homeschool current events such as seminars, conferences, and legal issues.
- To provide an atmosphere for exchange of teaching techniques and curriculum information.
- To maintain a collection of homeschool resources for members' use.
- To provide opportunities such as: social opportunities for all ages, classes and educational field trips, support for families, and group activities for our children.
- To promote public awareness of home education.
Article III- Membership
- Open to any family who operates a homeschool in Henderson County, North Carolina and surrounding areas. Families are responsible to follow NC law as it pertains to opening a homeschool.
- Also open to any HCHA Alumnae
- Payment of $65 annual dues. On January 1st we will prorate the dues to $32.50. On May 1st we will prorate to $15
- Alumnae have an annual dues of $15 and the volunteer requirement is not mandatory
- Membership year goes from July 1 to June 30 regardless of join date.
- There is no refund for membership fees.
- Each member is expected to provide assistance and support in any program in which they participate. The coordinator of the program is responsible for organizing and soliciting that support and assistance from event participants.
- Volunteer Requirement (see Handbook)
- Members are encouraged to use their skills and talents to aid, encourage, and inspire others.
- Members are required to sign up to help with one event in which they choose to volunteer. The coordinator of the event is responsible for making sure all jobs are covered by participating members or non-participating members.
- Members who have not fulfilled their volunteer requirement by June 30th, an $18 fee will be added to the following years’ dues and must be paid before renewal
- Assisting Enrichment Classes do not count toward the volunteer requirement!
- Teaching Enrichment Classes will count toward the volunteer requirement.
- Out of consideration for the coordinator and other volunteers, if you are unable to fulfill your volunteer assignment please find a replacement and inform the coordinator as soon as possible.
- If an event is canceled your volunteer assignment will be waived, but please consider signing up to help with a different event.
- Events and/or activities may be canceled, at the Board’s discretion, due to lack of participation.
- General job descriptions are available on the website in the member handbook. Detailed descriptions may be given to an individual. Members are expected to be responsible in the carrying out of their duties.
Article IV - Board of Directors
- Requirements of the Board of Directors (the Board):
- The Board is composed of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and may also include Men’s Mentor, Academic Director, Activities Director, Administrator, Membership Coordinator, Communications Director, Enrichment Class Director, Historian/ Advisor.
- Prospective Board member candidates shall:
- Fill out a Board Member Interest Google form
- Submit, in writing, their personal Christian testimony and a statement of what homeschooling means to them
- Be an active member of HCHA
- Submit to a background check
- The current Board, at its discretion, may also request that a prospective Board member be personally interviewed.
- New Board members are appointed by the current, presiding Board. New Board members must be approved by at least a ? vote of the Board.
- Board members serve a minimum of one-year terms, but are encouraged to serve two-year terms to ensure continuity of leadership. Board members may not serve more than three years in the same position, unless approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
- Board members wishing to resign their chair shall (if possible):
- Submit a letter of resignation
- Submit a 60 day notice of intent
- Participate in an attempt to fine potential replacement board members
- Board members are required to uphold the Leadership Team Statement of Faith.
- Leadership Team Statement of Faith:
- I believe the Bible (66 books of the Old & New Testament) to be the infallible, inerrant, complete word of God and the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
- I believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- I believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
- I believe man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and therefore is lost, and only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone can be saved.
- I believe that salvation is a gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose substitutionary death on the cross paid the penalty for man's sin.
- I believe Christ has already done everything necessary by his death to remove our sins and make us holy from God's point of view.
- I believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
- Board Member Conduct:
- No code or policy could anticipate every possible situation that could arise. Accordingly, these points are to serve as a source of guiding principles.
- Board members are expected to act in good faith on behalf of the Association’s members.
- Board members are prohibited from using the Association's property, information, or position for personal gain.
- Board members shall maintain the confidentiality of information that is distributed and discussed during board meetings.
- Board members are expected to attend all board meetings. The Board may vote (unanimously, without respect to that member) to remove a member who is chronically absent.
- Board members are expected to observe Biblical morality in all relationships, word and deed. "Now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for the fruit of light consists of all goodness, righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:8,9)
- Board members are expected to act with integrity. "I know my God that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity." (I Chron.29:7)
- Board members are expected to practice self-control. "Live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age." (Titus 2:12)
- Board members are expected to preserve personal purity. "Keep yourself pure." (I Tim. 5:22).
- It is unlikely that a Board member would ever be asked to resign their position or be removed. If circumstances warranted such an action, a unanimous vote of the remaining Board members would be required.
- Duties of the Board
- Meet the second Monday of every month to make decisions, plan events, and carry out any other business as deemed necessary by the Board.
- Appoint coordinators.
- Set up an annual calendar.
- Carry out specific duties as described in the position job descriptions (See Section 4 hereafter).
- The Board of Directors shall evaluate the group policies and procedures annually, appealing to the Lord for His direction and wisdom. Policies may be added or changed as needs in the group warrant. Members are encouraged to give input as desired at any time, as well as every spring through a written evaluation.
- The Board of Directors shall open a Board Meeting monthly for twenty minutes at the beginning of the meeting for members of HCHA to attend and share feedback and concerns with the Board.
- Board Job Descriptions
- President
- Pray for wisdom and God’s vision for HCHA.
- Work with the Men of the Board to communicate the vision to the HCHA board and the membership.
- Lead monthly board meetings.
- Serve as the point of contact for organizational and legal issues applicable to the association.
- Recruit potential new board members.
- Assist Men of the Board with men’s ministry activities.
- Provide guidance, encouragement and support to fellow board members.
- Communicate with the public and membership concerning sensitive and organizational issues.
- Ensure that the Bylaws and Organizational guidelines are being followed.
- Stay informed about issues that could affect homeschooling and/or the group.
- Maintain Control of the Key to the Lyda Law Firm where Board Meetings are conducted.
- Men of the Board
- Pray for wisdom and God’s vision for HCHA.
- Collaborate with the President and Secretary to communicate the vision to the HCHA board and the membership.
- Plan activities or events that focus on ministering, exhorting, and encouraging the men in the group.
- Plan ways to get the men in the group more involved in group activities and generally more involved in the Homeschool process.
- Recruit potential new board members.
- Provide guidance, encouragement and support to fellow board members and the membership.
- Secretary
- Gather agenda items from board members (ask the members to send agenda items with a Facebook post or email)
- Prepare Agenda and post on Facebook board for review
- Sometimes there are additions/corrections to be made prior to the meeting
- Attach the agenda file to Google Drive, reminding the board members of the meeting details and asking them to print their copy to be brought to the meeting
- Print agendas for the board members for each meeting
- Take the minutes of the meeting (amount of detail to be determined by Secretary, as long as noteworthy items are recorded along with final outcome of subject)
- Type Minutes and send them to Google Drive
- Provide a Facebook post with todo lists for each member reminding them of upcoming tasks they are involved in.
- Keep the Google Drive up to date and organized
- Moderate Emails
- Coordinate Website
- Act as Coordinator for Mom’s Brunch and Parent Meeting, planned at least 2 months in advance
- Mom’s Brunch in April
- Fall Parent Meeting in August
- Spring Parent Meeting in March
- Treasurer
- Prepare a proposed budget based on prior year expenses for the Annual Board Planning Meeting in June.
- Adjust proposed budget based on board recommendations and prepare final draft for approval at July board meeting.
- Maintain a checking account for HCHA funds. This includes making deposits in a timely manner and writing checks for supplies and fees when proper documentation (bills/receipts) are presented. Current account is at First Citizens Bank.
- Keep an accurate account and description of money received and spent.
- Collect all monies pertaining to registration. Deposit all fees to the HCHA account. This includes, but is not limited to: registration fees, newsletter fees, business directory advertising fees
- Oversee Enrichment Class Treasurer who will: collect and deposit all monies pertaining to enrichment classes to the HCHA account. This includes, but is not limited to: class fees and supply fees. Maintain a list of supply fee reimbursement limits for each class. Turn in an accounting sheet of snack cart donations.
- Oversee Play Treasurer.
- Report HCHA account balance to the board each month. Inform the board when a significant deviation from the budget is anticipated or noticed.
- Keep a record of “designated funds”. Designated funds are those monies that have been specifically earmarked for a certain purpose either by members through a financial donation or by the board from a prior year surplus. Report balances to board at least twice per year.
- Inform all board members, directors, coordinators and teachers of the HCHA reimbursement policy.
- Assist the following coordinators as the need arises: Box Tops
- Maintain HCHA Paypal Account
- Apply Scholarships, Update renewing membership payments, receive and document membership fees.
- Award Senior Scholarship
- Navigate taxes
- Activities Director
- Will seek to meet the needs of HCHA
- Members by providing vision and leadership for a wide range of enriching events and activities for all ages.
- Will supervise, equip, and support the different coordinators for HCHA events
- Oversee follow up for coordinators and volunteers.
- Provide Volunteer and Coordinator feedback form
- Keep and updated form of signed waivers of non-member participants
- Maintain background checks for Coordinators, Volunteers, and chaperones
- Enrichment Class Director
- The enrichment class director is responsible for planning two sets of enrichment classes each year. They should also keep the board informed of all necessary information pertaining to enrichment classes.
- Schedule one session of classes for the fall and one for the spring.
- Currently sessions include eight classes.
- Secure the dates with the location.
- Coordinate the Enrichment Class Team to help with the planning and running of classes. Input individual classes via website and utilize HCHA Google Docs.
- Schedule classes for each age group. They should vary in content and subject matter.
- Recruit teachers for each class. They should be informed of HCHA guidelines and procedures.
- Assign assistants for each class.
- Post current class schedule to the website.
- Oversee registration process and invoicing.
- Oversee the classes each week and assist in any situations that should arise.
- Ensure that the host facility is left in as good as or better condition each week when we leave.
- Will oversee mandatory background checks for all teachers and assistants.
- Coordinate the Spelling Bee
- Membership Director
- is responsible for approving all new and returning families for membership
- works with Activities Director to determine the number of volunteers needed for each event and whether assigned people have fulfilled their requirement
- sends out emails and reminders about completing the renewal process to current member families
- efficiently processes all potential member requests to join and answers member questions
- Is a point of contact for new and returning members
- Completes the "Big Purge" of member families in September of each school year. This usually takes place 2-3 weeks after the Fall Parent Meeting
- Communicates through email with member families who have not completed volunteer requirement, encouraging and facilitating each member remains in good standing.
- Care Coordinator
- Manage care team
- Manage member needs
- Plan Appropriate Events
- Keep a spreadsheet of donations taken and donations given for accounting purposes only - names are not needed.
- All Board Members
- Attend all board meetings (2nd Monday of every month)
- Plan and Execute fall and spring parent meetings
- Plan and Execute the Mom’s Appreciation Brunch
- Plan and Execute Mothers’ only events
- Plan fundraising when necessary
- Encouraged to attend NCHE Thrive Conference as professional development. Registration fees covered by Board Discretion funds. Can be used for the Greenville conference instead.
- President
Article V - Group Functioning
- Finances
- The $60.00 annual dues cover, but are not limited to, facility rental, special speakers, purchase of library resources, insurance, website maintenance, special events, background checks and other costs as approved by the Board. January 1 the dues will be prorated to ½ price and May 1 dues will be prorated to $15.
- The annual dues, late fees, and other fees and costs are determined by the Board.
- Volunteers not meeting their requirement will have an $18 fee
- Benefits
- Available to active members who have paid their dues.
- Website access, email updates, membership directory and handbook, Enrichment Classes, and participation in all HCHA activities.
- Parent Meetings
- Designed primarily for members, but are open to the public.
- In order to maintain a good relationship with our host facilities, we have established rules of behavior for children and their parents. It is the philosophy of this group that parents are ultimately responsible for their children. These rules are published in the member handbook and on the website.
- Other Meetings
- Heart to Heart and Mom’s Night Out quarterly get-togethers hosted by Board Members to offer support and socialization for Moms.
- Other meetings that support home education may also be publicized by HCHA.
- Field Trips
- Field Trips are initiated and planned by volunteer Field Trip Organizers
- Field trips are announced on the website and through email.
- Field trip rules (published in the handbook) will be enforced.
- Electronic Communications
- HCHA utilizes a website as the primary communication conduit for members.
- The website “public” pages contain information for the public at large.
- The website “private” pages will be for the exclusive use of current, active members.
- HCHA also operates moderated forums for members to keep them informed of ongoing business of the association.
- The Board reserves the right to edit or delete any forum post or communication they deem inappropriate
- Public Relations
- A spokesperson for media interviews may be appointed by the Board.
- State Organizations
- HCHA supports the efforts of the North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) and encourages members to belong to NCHE.
- Legal Information
- Legal services are not provided to members by HCHA.
- Membership in HSLDA is encouraged.
- The Board shall keep up to date with state laws and be able to communicate to the membership of HCHA. The Board is simply a source of information.
- The Handbook
- The annual member handbook will contain the most up-to-date information about group functioning.
Article VI - Extra Curricular Classes (EC classes)
- Board members and EC team members shall not pay registration and class fees
- EC team members shall pay 50% HCHA membership fees
Article VII - Teen Life
Article VIII - Amendment of the By-Laws
- These bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors by a two-thirds vote.