HCHA Teen Life Co-op

Date – Time

August 21, 2024 – 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Additional Information

Teen Life is for HCHA members 9th-12th grade. We meet the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month 12-3pm (except August). Our last day is May 21. Our purpose and goal is to help our highschoolers create real friendships and also provide them with opportunities to help them navigate their future path. Weekly classes will include: Spanish 1 & 2 and social time with a quarterly rotation of: Art, Public Speaking/Debate, Home Economics and Computer Skills. Volunteer opportunities great for transcripts/resumes will be incorporated throughout the year as well as college tours and information for college prep.

Parent help sessions will be added depending upon interest: Transcripts, college prep and internet safety.

Cost is $150 for the year. This is volunteer run and all money goes directly to our teens activities and events. Payment can be made in full or $75 per semester (2nd payment must be made by 12/31/24). There will be a payment drop down option where you can choose which option you'd prefer.

Parent requirement: HCHA is a co-op, meaning all families must contribute and pull their weight. Each parent is expected to volunteer as a teacher's aid 2-3 times a year (depending on how many students we get). All parents volunteering must complete a background check here:



**Please note: HCHA has a policy that there must always be 2 adults in a classroom. If you do not show up on your volunteer day and no one is able to fill in, parents will need to come back and pick up their student.

Follow the this link and select 2 volunteer slots for the year *pending background check*


Any questions: HCHATeen@gmail.com