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Our Purpose
Jackson Area Home Educators (JAHE) was founded as a Christian organization with the goal of meeting the needs of the home educators in the Jackson County, Michigan and surrounding area. Jackson Area Home Educators is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
We desire to cooperate with and encourage area home educators in matters of common interest, including legal information, educational resources, and motivation and training for both parents and their children. However, we specifically support families who educate their own children from a Christian perspective. We believe it is our responsibility to train and educate our children in accordance with God's will and with His Word, the Holy Bible.
JAHE is committed to nurturing smaller support groups defined by geographical, curricular, or philosophical considerations. JAHE will facilitate communication between these groups and between home educators and the larger community through their programs and services.
Our Statement of Faith
We believe in:
- the Bible as the authoritative, inspired, inerrant Word of God;
- one God, eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
- the vicarious death of Jesus Christ for our sins, His virgin birth, His bodily resurrection, and His personal return;
- the necessity of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration and the building of the Body of Christ;
- the power of prayer;
- the sanctity of life; and that
- each child is a gift from God and marriage is established by God as a monogamous, heterosexual relationship between one man and one woman
These truths are foundational, rather than extraneous, to our mission. To participate in a JAHE-sponsored activity, you need not agree with these statements, but you need to understand that this is the basis from which the JAHE Board will work.
Our Behavioral Expectations
We seek to nurture the character of our children and represent Christian values to others. Colossians 4:5-6 states: "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." (KJV)
Consequently, both parents and children should respect the following standards while attending any JAHE sanctioned event. If unwilling to do so, they may be asked to leave by the event coordinator or a member of the Board of Directors.
Those who participate in JAHE activities are asked:
- To respect their bodies, dressing modestly and appropriately and abstaining from the use of tobacco, alcohol and all illegal drugs. (I Cor. 6:19-20)
- To speak carefully, honoring the name and character of God by avoiding profane and vulgar speech. (James 5:12)
- To act appropriately, practicing courtesy and respecting the property and regulations of others. Any behavior that is threatening, or can reasonably be perceived as threatening, shall be subject to disciplinary action by the JAHE Board. Consequently, any object considered a weapon, or which may reasonably be perceived as such, is prohibited except with prior consent of the Board. Exclusions include pocket knives with blade of three inches or less, which may be carried by adults without prior consent, and weapons carried by law enforcement officers as required for their duty. (Eph. 5:15-16)
Our Membership Benefits
- JAHE Email Announcements – An update of JAHE sponsored events, other events of potential interest and special announcements.
- Access to Website –Announcements, Calendar of events, Newsletters, Membership contact information and useful links.
- JAHE Newsletter – Helpful information for and about home educators.
- JAHE Patriots Sports Teams – Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, and Girls’ Volleyball as interest and availability of volunteer leaders permit.
- JAHE Sponsored and Supported Small Groups– Pioneers, Young Explorers, and Band.
- JAHE Sponsored Events – Annual Graduation Ceremony, Social Events, Workshops and Seminars.
- Jackson District Library Educators Card
- Jackson Public Schools Career Center – will admit homeschooled students whose families are JAHE members
- Membership Discounts from Retailers: - Please see for the most updated information.