Community Field Trips Theatre Graduation Athletics Athletics

SBFA 2025 Prom Registration

indicates a required answer

To successfully register for the prom, you must fill out all of the information for the SBFA Student Activity Permission Form and agree to the SBFA Dress Code and Code of Conduct. Parent and Student must fill this out together. Please fill out all of the information as completely and accurately as possible.

Student Activity Permission Form

1. *

Name of Student

2. *


3. *


Yes No

Guest of SBFA Student

5. *

Name of Your School

6. *

I affirm that I am in good conduct standing with my school which can be affirmed by my school counselor or principal.

Yes No

If you are not a student of South Bay Faith Academy, Coastal Academy, or Pacific Lutheran Jr Sr High School, please upload a letter of reference from your current school stating that you are a student in good standing, complete with contact information for the person who wrote the letter.

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip
8. *

Name of Parent(s)


This form does not mark the following phone number fields as required, only because not all households are typical. Please do provide all of the phone numbers that do apply to your household.


Dad's Cell Number


Mom's Cell Number

11. *

Home Address


The above-named student has my/our permission to attend the extracurricular activity/field trip to SBFA Junior/Senior Prom on Thursday, April 24th at 6pm with South Bay Faith Academy. In case of emergency, first aid may be administered, including ambulance, if deemed necessary by the appropriate personnel. I also authorize the Hospital and/or a doctor to administer necessary medical treatment.

12. *

Does the student have a serious health problem?

Yes No

If yes, please explain below.



14. *

Emergency Contact (other than parent)

15. *

Emergency Contact's Phone Number

16. *

Doctor's Name

17. *

Doctor's Phone Number

18. *


19. *

Hospital Phone Number

20. *

Insurance Company

21. *

Policy #

22. *

Group Name

23. *

Expiration Date

Dress Code

SBFA seeks to honor the Lord in how we present ourselves to Him and to others. (Romans 12:2).

In light of that goal, we ask parents and students to dress modestly and attractively without drawing undue attention to themselves. In the spirit of our desire to live Christ-centered lives, and in loving fellowship, we should strive to walk in consideration of others; therefore, not wearing clothing that is over-revealing, distasteful in written references, or in a way that would tempt or offend others. If clothing choices are questionable, it is our hope that as a member of this school that each individual will rise to a higher standard in their behavior and dress that represents Christ to one another as well as represents our school and homeschooling in general. SBFA considers it the primary responsibility of the parents to assure that their students are in compliance with these guidelines as a demonstration of love to the body of Christ. Concerns regarding attire should be brought to the attention of the Board, an administrator, or administrator designee to be addressed.


Dress Code Specifics

Formal Events and Graduation Day Attire

  • Dress shoes or preapproved other shoes will be required for the graduation ceremony
  • No accessories that can be used as a weapon
  • No skull, drug, alcohol or inappropriate wording or pictures.
  • Ladies
    • Acceptable wear is a semi-formal party dress, skirt with blouse and dress shoes. or business casual pant suit. A bra must be worn with all dress styles unless the dress has a built-in support.
      • All dress styles must be modest and no cleavage must be exposed
      • Skirts and dresses must reach to a least 4 inches above knee
      • We must not be able to see undergarments if bending over
      • Bareback styles must only expose the center of the back, no lower than the waist.
      • Attire that exposes the midriff at any time (arms raised or at rest) is not allowed
  • Gentlemen
    • Acceptable wear is a button-down shirt, dress slacks, and tie. Suit jackets recommended.
      • No tee shirts or baggy pants allowed
      • No casual type clothing or shoes such as flip-flops

**The Principals or the Principal’s Designee has the right to determine if attire is “seeking undue or excessive attention to the wearer” or is inappropriate for school or any school activity. Violation of the dress code will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

**The following SBFA codes and policy must be adhered to through the event. Violators will be excused from the event, without a refund. If excused from the event, a student will be required to stay with adults until picked up by a parent.

**Guests of SBFA members are required to adhere to these codes and policies.


Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct is to exhibit Christ-like attitudes and actions, both on and off campus, as representatives of Christ, the homeschooling community and SBFA. There is a strong relationship between good dress habits, good work habits, and proper school behavior. Members are encouraged to dress in a way that represents Christ and demonstrates pride in themselves. The dress code was not created to interfere with free choice but to ensure that we are honoring Christ and the fellowship of believers.


I understand that an attempt will be made to notify a parent in case of emergency. I fully understand that Liability Insurance for South Bay Faith Academy does not extend to extracurricular activities or field trips. I am aware that the school does not pay for physician fees or medical expenses of my student while attending this extracurricular activity or field trip. I accept full responsibility for said expenses.

I accept full responsibility of my student at the conclusion of the extracurricular activity or field trip at so said time 10:00pm
and date April 24, 2025.

I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to above outline of the LIABILITY.

24. *

My child and I agree that (state the child’s name)

25. *

will abide by South Bay Faith Academy’s Dress Code and Code of Conduct, while attending the South Bay Faith Academy event (state the event’s name)

26. *

Digital Signature of Parent

27. *

Date for Parent Signature

28. *

Digital Signature of Student

29. *

Date of Student Signature


Payment Information

Please provide the following information to help us match payments to students.

30. *

Full Name of Person Paying Prom Fee

31. *

Date of Payment


Contact Information

In the event that we need to follow-up with you regarding your registration, please provide your contact information below.

32. *

Name of Person to Contact

33. *

Phone Number

34. *

Email Address