Caution: uncheck this box if you are on a public computer (e.g. Hotel, Coffee Shop)
indicates a required answer
House number and street:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Children's Names, Grades and Ages for the Upcoming Fall/Spring Semester: Example: Jason - Grade 6 / Age 11
Do any of your children have considerations or needs that co-op leadership should be aware of? If so, please be specific.
Do you foster care children or plan to foster care or adopt?
As stated on the homepage of the website, the co-op relies on their members to teach classes from preschool age to high school level courses. We draw on each other’s experiences, resources from our supply cabinets and guidance from co-op leadership. Are you willing to teach a class if not the first year but at least after the first year's membership?
What ages are you willing to teach or assist with? (Check all that apply)
Do you have any past/current job experiences, volunteer positions or life experiences where the things you learned in that role could contribute to our Co-op? (i.e. small group facilitator, Sunday school teacher, AHG troop leader, Administrative position etc)
Are there any areas of teaching/education where you have a lot of experience or gifting? Or are there certain subjects that you feel competent and willing to teach? (i.e. Algebra, Science, Foreign Language, etc.)
Do you currently attend any homeschool co-ops or groups other than CHEC?
Initial here to indicate that you have read and agree to the FCHC Statement of Faith
Initial here to indicate that you have read the co-op's FAQ.