Family Christian Homeschool Co-op

FCHC Interest/Wait List Request Form

indicates a required answer

1. *


2. *

House number and street:

3. *


4. *


5. *


6. *

Home Phone:


Cell Phone:

8. *


9. *

Children's Names, Grades and Ages for the Upcoming Fall/Spring Semester:   Example:   Jason -  Grade 6 / Age 11

10. *

Do any of your children have considerations or needs that co-op leadership should be aware of?  If so, please be specific.  

11. *

Do you foster care children or plan to foster care or adopt?

12. *

As stated on the homepage of the website, the co-op relies on their members to teach classes from preschool age to high school level courses.  We draw on each other’s experiences, resources from our supply cabinets and guidance from co-op leadership.  Are you willing to teach a class if not the first year but at least after the first year's membership?

 (1 required)
Yes No
13. *

What ages are you willing to teach or assist with? (Check all that apply)

 (1 required)
Nursery Preschool
Kindergarten 1st-3rd
4th-6th 7th-8th
14. *

Do you have any past/current job experiences, volunteer positions or life experiences where the things you learned in that role could contribute to our Co-op? (i.e. small group facilitator, Sunday school teacher, AHG troop leader, Administrative position etc)

15. *

Are there any areas of teaching/education where you have a lot of experience or gifting? Or are there certain subjects that you feel competent and willing to teach? (i.e. Algebra, Science, Foreign Language, etc.)

16. *

Do you currently attend any homeschool co-ops or groups other than CHEC?

17. *

Initial here to indicate that you have read and agree to the FCHC Statement of Faith

18. *
Initial here to indicate that you have read and agree to all policies outlined in the FCHC Policy Manual
19. *

Initial here to indicate that you have read the co-op's FAQ.

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